中美太空暗战已经打响The Sino-U.S. space battle has begun
来源:股典钟炒股机器人AI连板涨停王 | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-11-03 | 630 次浏览 | 分享到:

美国卫星靠近监视中国的通信卫星,咱们的卫星啊变轨机动迅速移走。前两天啊美国军事网站。叫防务快报报道了这么一件事儿啊,今天的香港的南华早报也做了相应的报道。这事的经过呢大概是这样,美国一颗代号叫美国r 七幺号的。

US satellites are close to monitoring China's communications satellites, and our satellites are quickly moved away by changing orbits. Two days ago, the US military website. The Defense Express reported such an incident, and today's South China Morning Post in Hong Kong also made a corresponding report. The process of this incident is probably like this, a code-named American r-seventh.
The space surveillance satellite suddenly changed its orbit, approached one of our satellites, and flew in parallel at a very short distance for tracking, monitoring and monitoring. Our satellite is the Shishi No. 20 communications satellite. It was launched by the Long March 3 carrier rocket at the end of 2019 and is very heavy.
Button is also quite big, it is currently the heaviest communication satellite in the world and the most advanced communication satellite in our country. Not long after the U.S. satellite approached unkindly this time.
Our practice on the 20th quickly implemented the orbit change maneuver and got rid of American satellites. The Americans' evaluation of this matter is that they carried out a calibration operation, and it was a very, very small movement. This is very difficult. The implication is that the Chinese satellite's orbital change maneuver in space is very high in technology and very capable. And the Americans also hinted that China already has the capability of space warfare.
If I want to say this, our Chinese satellites have a high level of technology. This is nothing false. But to say that space warfare is that you Americans are making hype with ulterior motives, and even you Americans are deliberately developing it.
Prepare for space war. First of all, you see, it is your American reconnaissance and surveillance satellite, which is flying close to our communications satellite for parallel flight. What do you want to do? It must not be here. To put it nicely, do you mean to say that it is to track, monitor and monitor, to do a close investigation. Then, this kind of approach to investigation is malicious. Let's not talk about it yet.
It is a very dangerous behavior in itself, and it is easy to cause a collision in space, or make the other party misjudge, which directly leads to confrontation and conflict. In fact, your United States is now around our China.
The sea and the air are constantly conducting close-in reconnaissance. This year alone, there have been more than two thousand times, and now it has developed into this kind of fame outside the atmosphere. Of course, we will not be afraid of such small actions as you Americans. This time our practice of the beautiful orbit change maneuver of the 20th satellite has shown that we are fully equipped to confront the Americans anywhere, including in outer space.
Whether it is inside or outside the atmosphere, you will not be allowed to stand as an American.