认识我们的空间站Meet our space station
来源:股典钟AI妖股连板涨停王Stock code clock AI demon stocks with the daily limit king | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-10-25 | 958 次浏览 | 分享到:


Why does China want to build its own space station? Recently, China’s successful launch of the Shenzhou XII manned spacecraft has completed its ambition to enter the space station for the first time, which means that the official operation and operation of China’s space station has entered the countdown stage.
The so-called space station refers to a manned spacecraft that runs for a long time in low-Earth orbit and can be used by multiple astronauts to visit and work and live for a long time. There are currently two space stations in the world, one is the International Space Station led by the United States.
The second is the Tiangong series of space laboratories built by China itself. In the early 1990s, the United States proposed to unite some major powers in Europe, America and Japan to build a multi-country shared space station.
China once proposed to join this space program, but was sanctioned by the United States. The reason is simple. The United States has always dominated the Western world and has imposed high-end technology blockade on us. Naturally, it is impossible to share top space technology such as the space station with our country.
Therefore, it is convenient for us to formulate a three-step strategy to build an autonomous space station in 1992. Nearly thirty years have passed, and now, through the unremitting efforts of a generation of astronauts, our country is finally about to fulfill this long-cherished aspiration in space.
We insist on expending huge financial resources and energy to break through the Western technological blockade. There are two fundamental reasons for the construction of the space station. The first is based on the assessment of international political forms. The United States held high the so-called ideological stick to block the face of China's scientific and technological progress.
Will not change in a short time. In the early 1990s, after the United States refused to open its space station space technology to China, it shattered our illusion that we could introduce cutting-edge technology from the Western world.
Instead, he made up his mind to independently research and develop advanced technology. Therefore, the establishment of a domestically-made space station proposed in 1992 became a milestone in the development of China's high technology in the future. Today, the United States and Europe, Japan and other countries have effectively countered China's various technological and trade suppressions.
How far-sighted is the way our country spared no effort to engage in high-tech in the past. The second is that the space station is of great significance to China's future scientific and technological progress. Under the protection of the earth's atmosphere, human beings are bound by hands and feet.
There are many scientific experiments that cannot be done. For example, in observing the universe, the atmosphere is equivalent to a filter, and many celestial bodies cannot be observed on the ground. But if the telescope is taken out of the atmosphere.
The situation has been greatly improved. For example, the optical cabin of the Sky Surveyor provides more precise and detailed observations of the universe. The famous space telescope Hubble often lives outside the atmosphere.
There is a lot less interference on the earth, so he photographed many invisible space scenes on the earth. In terms of material synthesis, the space station also has extremely high research value. Due to the limitations of gravity and on the earth.
Many alloy materials cannot be fused together, and there is no such problem in space warfare in a weightless state. The United States has made a variety of alloys in space that cannot be achieved on Earth, and the new alloys made in space have the strength, fatigue resistance, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity.
The performances are much stronger than those processed on the ground. Therefore, at this level, the importance of space warfare is self-evident. New proteins and materials can also be synthesized in the space station.
Help develop new drugs, and people can also grow plants in the space station. Because studying the growth laws of plants in space can not only provide a basis for human plant growth studies on the ground.
It can also provide an intense scientific basis for future human migration to outer space. In addition to the study of material plants, humans can also study the mental and physical indicators of astronauts in a state of weightlessness for a long time, so as to help humans provide scientific basis for more interstellar exploration and immigration.
It is not difficult to see from this that building a space station of its own can very well help China grab the winning point of high-end technology in the future.