炒股小白和高手的区别The difference between stocks Xiaobai and masters
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-10-24 | 614 次浏览 | 分享到:

Up to now, there are currently tens of millions of capital. His annual rate of return on investment is more than 50%, and sometimes even doubles or triples. This level can be reached even in a bear market.
It can be said that the stock market is basically its cash machine.
Over the years, most of his winning rates have remained at 50% to 60%, and they are about the same as most of us. The reason why he was able to persist with such a high rate of return.
I have summarized the following four important points. The first one is that its execution power is very strong, so every time the profit and loss is better than the control. Every time you lose money. The ratios are very small. On the whole, he will make a big profit and lose a small amount of stocks in his self-selected stocks.
If it is wrong, it will strictly stop the loss and unite knowledge and action. If you are right, the small band makes a small amount of money, and the large band makes a lot of money. He said such a sentence, I appreciate it very much.
He said that God would eat as much food as he would eat, otherwise he would be too greedy to chew.