妖股的秘密———三板成妖五板封神The secret of the demon stock --- the three-board becomes a demon and the five-board confines the gods
来源: | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-10-23 | 646 次浏览 | 分享到:

The third daily limit, as long as it is a bad board, there is a high probability that this stock will give you a continuous daily limit in the future. What is a bad board?
The so-called rotten board, it needs to meet three conditions. The first call auction was a daily limit, and the second, the intraday limit was opened after the intraday limit, and the retracement fell below 5%.
Third, the time-sharing chart forms a shape similar to a miniature or arc shape and then returns to the daily limit again. We call this form a bad board.
Since ancient times, the three boards have become demons and the five boards have sealed gods. This is the truth. Let's look at such a stock, this stock is the third daily limit on this day.
This is the first and this is the second. The third daily limit, is it a bad board? The collective pricing has reached the daily limit. After the intraday limit, has this position opened?
After it is opened, its minimum retreat is below five percent, and what is formed in the time-sharing line is this kind of micro-reversal pattern. Then return to the daily limit.