炒股操盘术之主力建仓试盘临界点 The critical point of the main force of stock trading
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-10-23 | 769 次浏览 | 分享到:


Let's first look at a stock. Do you want to buy it? If you buy it in this position, it will rise, or if you want to buy it, it will skyrocket. Okay, don't worry. Next, I will teach you a particularly simple method.
After learning, you will come to thank me, take out your little notebook, and we will learn dry goods.
First, find the two falling lows in a falling stock, and connect them to draw this trend line, which is called an experimental trend line. The effect of the experimental trend line is just an experiment.
It is not effective, so how can it become effective? We continue to look at the stock price movement, if there is a third point touched, then the nature of this line.
It changed, what did it become? It becomes the effectiveness trend line. Then the effectiveness trend line will form support or pressure on the stock price.
In this lesson, let's talk about support first, that is, you will find that the low points during this period basically fall above this line. So what does this have to do with the main position building we are talking about today?
We continue to look back and after drawing this line, we found a phenomenon at the next low point that this low point no longer falls above this trend line.
Off the trend line, what does this mean? This is the point where the main position opening ends. We draw a straight line based on this point, and the two points are connected to draw a line.
The low point does not make a new low, the trend line direction is upward, and this is the first time that the low point does not make a new low. This is the end point of the main force opening.
So it is clear to everyone at the beginning that you must be able to recognize this point after the main position is completed. After identifying the main force to open a position, do we have to prepare?
Let's buy, prepare to trade, then when do you carry out the buy operation? I used to tell everyone that if you can't find something to buy, then you look at Yang Baoying.
Above this line, when this line is touched, or after touching this line, yang and yin appear, which is an excellent entry point.
After the intervention, buying went up. Also after this line is touched at this position, it is also yang and yin, and it skyrocketed after buying. We got it in the shortest time.
The biggest profit margin, the trading method in the stock market is weak. We only take one scoop. As long as the most stable, it is to follow the trend. We can buy it here.
It can be sold here, so how can it be done? Next, draw the trend ending line with me. The downtrend line mentioned in the previous issue is looking for a low point.
Talking about support. So this time we are looking for a high point when we cross the line, and we are talking about pressure. First we need to find the two highs in the downtrend.
Draw an experimental trend line. Then when the third point is touched, this line is called the trend end line. Then we found that the stock price made a breakthrough here.
Everyone pay attention to the breakthrough is a buying point? No need to guess, I know what you are thinking is not. This is just the beginning of the main trial.
If you intervene here, and you only have the fate of being cut off in the short term, then where do you enter? Of course it is the position where the trend ends.
Let's look at the trend line. Here, the last time it touched, a yin line fell through. Everyone pays attention to open lower the next day.
The high sun line is our chance to enter the market. Two keywords, the first one to open low and go high. The second one is a big sun line. and.
The size of the Yangxian should be larger than the size of the Yinxian yesterday. Only here can the end of the downward trend be explained. The end of the main trial.
After intervening in this position, the uptrend began, and after the low point of the callback, we began to draw the experimental trend line. The third point is elementary.
The trend line is valid until the stock price breaks the trend line and the uptrend ends, and the main shipments follow the main force's footsteps to harvest the mid-term large wave.
So let's look at a less standard case.
That is, at this position, the stock price has not touched the end of the trend line. But everyone should pay attention to that, it conforms to the big Yang line that I told you to open low and go high.
And the size is bigger than yesterday's Yinxian, which meets the buying conditions we said. So this position represents the end of the trend, the end of the main trial.
Intervene decisively and follow the main force to eat meat and drink soup.