主力交易逻辑及十八个交易建议Main trading logic and 18 trading suggestions
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-10-03 | 1490 次浏览 | 分享到:
a 股的上市公司就那么多,还有一些国企和白马股,所以这个圈子很小,混圈子的核心是啥?懂规矩。
时间确实是成本,但是a 股嘛又不会关门,对吧?热点嘛月月都有牛股吗?年年都出,只要你还活着。
至少还有十八层,说不定最后就退市了。简单一句话,凡是k 线持续运行于二五零线之下的,一定要坚决回避。
第九种是k 线上下引线太多的,不要搞这种票。从远处看啊,就像牦牛一样,它根本原因呢就是因为主力资金参与的少。
Today I will talk about the question that everyone has always been puzzled by. I want to know the answer to a stock that has fallen so deeply for a long time. How does the main force make money?
It is necessary to understand that the main trading logic and the retail trading logic are essentially different.
Retail investors look at the short-term price of stocks, while the main focus is on the long-term liquidity of stocks. Remember long-term liquidity, what does this mean? Retail investors only need to care about the stock price rise before they can sell it.
And the main force is more concerned about my stock.
How much money can be involved instead of the current profit and loss situation of the workplace. This is like a casino owner, who is not afraid of your guests winning money, but afraid that the guests will not come to play.
Therefore, raising the stock price for the main force is the same as the casino's money, it is too simple. You may think that the main pit retail investor is a bad guy who never loses.
You have to know that the main force is not only for the purpose of cutting off retail investors, it is only the result of the work of the main force, and the main responsibility of the main force is to maintain the liquidity of the stock market.
You are upset one day, and you won’t be able to sell it anymore, but the main force is not enough. The second is that it’s just like signing an agreement with an artist, it’s not something you can leave if you want.
So in return, the main force can use pricing power to manipulate the market or profit.
This is the consensus reached by the main force and the supervisory authorities, letting you work without paying wages, are you willing? Here again involves some financial expertise.
Let us also talk about what liquidity will look like once the market is not maintained by anyone. You can refer to the New Third Board market and the Hong Kong stock market. The stocks on the New OTC Market are two hundred yuan.
It can be doubled. And some Hong Kong stocks trade hundreds of dollars a day.
Stocks cannot be sold at all, so whether they are retail investors, main players, or other institutions, they play different roles. And these roles.
His existence is reasonable.
Let's also talk about this topic. There are also many cases where the main players failed to sell the goods. In the end, there was no way to let the black mouth release the news, and the retail investors first accepted the order.
Or, like manual holding, you can build more than a dozen elevator boards at a time, which is a last resort.
No main force wants to surface themselves in this way. And our retail investors have advantages and disadvantages when doing transactions. It depends on whether you can make good use of it.
Then here is a little trick for everyone, that is, in addition to new stocks and loss-making stocks, if you find that a stock has been trading sideways in the first position for a long time.
As long as its volume shrinks to the extreme, you can rebound or reverse the position.
The specific transaction situation is determined according to the transaction logic, and there is basically no problem in making money.
Finally, I will make a summary. As far as I talked about these things, I mainly hope that you will change your original view of the main force, the ghosts and the snakes, and see your opponents clearly.
Positioning the market to make money is very simple. Ask the main force if they will frequently exchange shares to answer this question. You need to know what the ecology behind the main industry is like.
There are only so many listed companies with a-shares, as well as some state-owned enterprises and white horse stocks, so this circle is very small. What is the core of the mixed circle? Understand the rules.
You just finished a wave of stretching, eating oily mouth, and wanting to go to someone else's place to do things, then you are breaking the rules.
Most of the main forces have connections with each other and like to group together. This is the so-called plate. Respond together when there is a situation to form a hot spot and attract capital attention.
But even so.
There are also stocks that grow well and some are so-so. Therefore, in the specific operation of individual stocks, if the main force is independent after a wave of market rises.
The stock will enter the long finisher.
Everyone may wonder, why doesn't the main force operate another stock.
First of all, sitting in the house is not as simple as you think. I have also said before that the core of Zuozhuang is the network resources of listed companies. You jump to another stock, do you have the resources?
Without the background, do you have such a large sum of money to give away people? You may say that it’s okay, just find a relationship. This is not what you think. Just get some Maotai and make some Huazi friends.
The interest relationship behind it is so complicated that we ordinary people simply can't imagine it. Furthermore, if someone has a long-term partner, why should you play a new role with you?
Because you are handsome? Everyone must understand that the emergence of a wave of market will inevitably be driven by the main force of funds, which is not a small amount of money.
The main funds also have usage costs, and the funds also need to be returned during the sideways period, instead of being held in hand all the time. As for the start of the second wave of quotations.
This is divided into active and passive.
If the bottom collection of chips goes well, the listed company will cooperate with the main force to actively release the benefits, and the main force will take advantage of the trend to raise the stock price. Passiveness means that the company has a sudden major benefit.
The main force will also use this to raise the stock price to speculate again, and then history repeats itself.
Then take this topic and talk about the basic condition of the white horse stock, which is to judge whether a stock can continue to go out of the long flow.
Fund holdings are particularly critical. If the organization only depends on the main force's own money, it means that the main force is using a large amount of game loans for a long time.
Remember, some of the money borrowed from borrowing becomes a bargaining chip, and the stocks lack liquidity because there is not enough acceptance. at this time.
The main force is in a dilemma.
As soon as the stock price falls, the funds run away, and continued to provide interest is a headache for the main players. So we look at a lot of fundamentals.
But the stock price has gone out of the long bull form of stocks, and in the end, without exception, they all ended in a crash. Then we make a summary.
Time is indeed a cost, but a-shares won’t close, right? Hotspots Are there any bull stocks every month? Come out every year, as long as you are still alive.
Sooner or later it will turn over. But if you are too anxious and lose your principal, then no matter how good the market is, it has nothing to do with you.
Let me tell you today, the sooner you know the better 18 trading suggestions, don't talk to others before the end of the transaction.
2. The capital market is not kind, please put away your innocence.
3. Don't listen to what the media is saying and think about their purpose.
4. Don't do transactions that don't make sense if you know it, and learn real self-control.
5. Always remind you not to be moved by your own blind efforts.
Perseverance and self-control are very scary things. Ninety-nine percent of people do not possess such qualities. If you master it, you are better than most people.
7. Except for birth, old age, sickness and death, everything else is trivial. Only you are the most important in this world, as long as people are there, everything will turn for the better.
Learn by doing and manage risks well.
9. Health always comes first, go to bed early and get up early, and exercise more.
Ten don’t forget to learn when you have a transaction. Learning will give you more psychological advantages. 11. Major decisions are made the next day. Real awakening requires real experience.
Not listening to a certain David's words, there is no empathy in the thirteen world, and the things that happen to you every day are not worth mentioning for others.
14. People generally know a lot of trading knowledge, but few people with perseverance can do it. Don't have the idea of ​​changing the people around you.
You are not the savior, you can't change anyone, the only thing you can do is to change yourself. 16. The moment when you suddenly grow up, a wrong trading strategy.
If you repeat it twice, seventeen hours will only be lost and will not allow you to grow. It is not age but xinxing to judge whether you are mature.
18. Persist in reading and learn to think independently. In the end, you must throw it away. Don’t have illusions about the capital market, don’t.
Don't feel that this time is really different, don't copy stocks that have fallen continuously, and don't be confused by the media. And chase high to learn the four essentials.
The stop loss must be executed as planned.
To buy stocks that you are familiar with, you must have self-discipline that melts into your blood.
We must have persistence engraved in our lives, and we have skills in stock picking and lightning protection. The following four must not be done. The first kind of stocks that slide downwards must never be done.
We are not doing poverty alleviation first, we must collect our compassion. You thought it was the floor price that rushed in and found that there was a basement below. Do you think there is only one floor in the basement?
There are at least 18 floors, and they may be delisted in the end. In a nutshell, any k-line that continues to run below the 25th zero line must be resolutely avoided.
There must be many such bloody lessons in history, and we must keep them in mind.
The second type of sideways shock is not prominent, so don't engage in it.
The stock price has been trading sideways for a long time. It is like a person who falls asleep and no one knows when he will wake up. If we go for three to five years, our time cost will be extremely high.
When we wake up and when we count, we must not guess this kind of ticket, and we must not engage in it.
The third is that there is no clear advantage, no concept, and no performance, and this kind of continuous rise should not be done. This year we have many examples that have been proven repeatedly.
For example, after a lot of Zhuang stocks are pulled to a high position, if there is a problem, and then a dozen or so limits are set, you can't run. Therefore, such stocks must not be dealt with.
The fourth type is follower stocks. Don't follow the trend. The stocks started late, but they fell earlier, just like a fish, they have a lot of spines, but.
But there is very little meat, and it gets stuck in the throat as soon as I eat it. For example, the lithium battery that we have recently speculated has finally spread to raw materials, and these raw materials are following the trend.
It's best not to do this. The fifth type is a major bad news and continuous plummeting. Don't engage in this kind of ticket. It's like a terminally ill patient.
His body is very weak and needs a long period of concussion to repair, maybe it will go down in three to five years. If you blow it in, you won't be able to catch it. Okay, so to speak.
Don't do anything like this.
The sixth type is the 90-degree launch high and the volume is stagnating on that tip. Don't do it. This is generally the last madness of the main shipping.
At this time, you will get caught in every possible case when you chase in. The seventh is the big Yinxian at high position, the rebound after putting a huge amount of smash, don't do this.
It's like a couple quarreling, throwing a bowl and smashing a bowl after turning their faces. Such a rebound is generally very small, and it is difficult for you to grasp it well. So it’s good if you look at it.
The eighth is the number of votes that have just skyrocketed within two years, so don't do it.
This is because many people stand guard and get stuck on the tip of the front. This is like saying that after a couple divorced, many children were left behind.
If you need to nurture you, buying in at this time is to be a stepfather and stepmother, which is generally difficult to do well.
The ninth type is that there are too many leads on the k line, don't engage in this kind of ticket. From a distance, it looks like a yak. ​​The root cause is that the main capital is less involved.
Just like a human being, without wings and no strength to work. Therefore, it is difficult to get out of the market with such tickets, so it is best not to do it. Tenth, when the index continues to dive downward, don't get any votes.
The value of our transactions is important, but emotions are more important than this. Our market index is like the leader. When the leader dives, these lambs are all.
There are not many good ones, and it is best to wait and see short positions at this time.
These ten items have been subtracted from the above. If you can grasp it well, you will definitely guarantee that you will always withdraw money without being stuck.

It's like a couple quarreling, throwing a bowl and smashing a bowl after turning their faces. Such a rebound is generally very small, and it is difficult for you to grasp it well. So it’s good if you look at it.
The eighth is the number of votes that have just skyrocketed within two years, so don't do it.
This is because many people stand guard and get stuck on the tip of the front. This is like saying that after a couple divorced, many children were left behind.
If you need to nurture you, buying in at this time is to be a stepfather and stepmother, which is generally difficult to do well.
The ninth type is that there are too many leads on the k line, don't engage in this kind of ticket. From a distance, it looks like a yak. The root cause is that the main capital is less involved.
Just like a human being, without wings and no strength to work. Therefore, it is difficult to get out of the market with such tickets, so it is best not to do it. Tenth, when the index continues to dive downward, don't get any votes.