炒股机器人喊你回家吃饭别炒股The stock market robot calls you not to stock market
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-10-01 | 1251 次浏览 | 分享到:
还不如不募集,专心致志的哥量化,今年收益率这么高,赚的谁的钱,你觉得会是机构的,全是散户的钱,以前散户和庄家都起码还是人。现在是机器人用大数据跟你斗量化私募现在有一点一万亿,每天成交量三千亿,占a 股百分之。
a 五到现在也刚好三十年,量化也刚好进场了。巧不巧,意不意外,散户既然打不过就加入呗。要不和机器人一伙,要不然和大机构战队自己就别玩了。大机构为啥不怕电话?
量化的收益率完全取决于不同的策略,好比股票市场的板块轮动,你必须要踏准节奏,但不管是什么策略,在一个投资周期中量化都会出现低潮期。这个问题就衍生出了合体机器人量化fourth 专门研究在特定时间内,机构为什么能。
你又为什么亏?然后搭建fox 组合,扬长避短,无漏洞的收割韭菜。要怪就怪公募量化机器人是公布发明的。二零一零年将股票市场的所有数据采用市值加权法进行了数据化编程。
做出了一个指数产品,叫沪深三百e t f e 外部。到了一三年,海外的量化理念和人才来到国内,形成了本土派和海外派。以世坤团队为代表的海外派,国内的则是换方。
还不休息,只学习一般人做t 加零靠的是盘杆,机器则靠速度快。先把口令写好,不知道交易所给到了毫秒级信号后,自动下指令成交。别说买了你都看不到。
再加个对冲,就是量化对冲和中性,什么都不加,就是量化选股还有c t a 策略,可以让计算机对全市场实时监控。比如很多市场上红价格不一样,就可以做价差,这叫跨市场套利。
大豆和黄豆两个品种虽然不一样,但是相近有替代关系,这叫相似品种的套利。一些行业的a 产品和b 产品组合一起卖。当a 产品价格上涨,那么未来b 产品也要上涨。
然后以当下的市场做对比,再做出抉择,就是把所有k 线图量能图作为图片来识别判断。帅不帅,还有个叫量化择时,是通过波动学以及量子力学的方法,用航天的馄饨理论进行动态的仓位控制。
什么意思啊?就是把k 线看作一条从左向右的横向波,通过成交量和价格来判断横向波的速度快慢。当速度衰竭到一定程度,就是一个买货卖的价位,从而触发则。
简单说就是可以抄底和头顶了,怎么样。还有人弟子说,量化不行吗?别说小散这个玩法,把量化常用的指数增强c t 策略都甩了几条街。小散根要抓紧改变。
Quantitative trading is the sickle quantitative fund of artificial intelligence. Now you are not allowed to invest. It is not like they said, because the strategy is saturated and the internal volume is too serious. All quantitative trading is used. The leeks are not enough, who will leave it?
It's better not to raise money and quantify with a dedicated brother. The rate of return this year is so high. Whose money you make will belong to institutions, all of which are retail money. In the past, retail investors and market makers were at least people. Now it is robots who use big data to fight you to quantify private equity. There are now 1.1 trillion, and the daily trading volume is 300 billion, accounting for% of a-shares.
This twenty trading volume means forty, and for every two stocks you trade, one robot will sell it to you. There is a private equity in Shanghai. Two months ago, I talked to me about the scale of 1 billion. Now it is 2.5 billion. The money is all found by the four branches of the trust. You want to increase the turnover rate by a hundred times.
Earning ten times more money than retail investors, the brokerage is so happy, Four Banks Trust is also willing to sell this product that makes no loss, and customers like it all. The Quantitative Foundation has a steady stream of large funds. Retail investors have been drinking badly, and the quantification itself is the money to make trading arbitrage.
The more retail investors, the more profitable the quantification, and the machine formula algorithm is used to continuously harvest. After 527 years of retail accounts in the United States, after quantifying progress in 1995, now only 5% remains. The U.S. stock market has been in operation for 30 years and has begun to de-retail.
a It has been exactly 30 years from five to now, and quantification has just entered the market. Coincidentally, not unexpectedly, since retail investors can't get through, join in. If you don't be with the robots, or you won't play with the big organization team yourself. Why are big institutions not afraid of the phone?
Public offering funds are all held together with large votes, and a large number of small-scale funds do not have short positions and only have more than 1,000 checks. There is no capital advantage for large votes. For small tickets and retail investors, don't toss casually, there will be two tracks in the future. Public funds and quantitative private funds.
Quantification is not done by studying the development of the company, but by backtesting various strategies to determine the transaction. One is financial statements, and the other is mathematical and physical models. What these two tracks have in common is that they value trend investment.
To put it simply, don't buy bottoms, only trade on the right trend, and then constantly circle the plates to rotate the forwarding screen, so that more retail investors can see that they are no longer cut. Quantification not only reaps each other, but also cuts itself.
The bright red patient on the head was limited by the capacity of the strategy this year, which caused Huadian to cut himself off. The scale was too large and became the target of hunting by other heirs. All the quantitative opponents came to make a cut. How did the quantitative cut?
Well, every quantification of the machine brain is a model. Some prefer large market capitalization and small market capitalization, and some prefer volume-price factors, hobbies, and active trading volumes. When choosing among various industries and styles, they are more optimistic. Algorithmic trading arbitrage.
The quantified rate of return depends entirely on different strategies. Just like the stock market’s rotation, you must follow the rhythm, but no matter what the strategy is, there will be a low ebb in quantification in an investment cycle. This question has led to the quantification of the fourth integrated robot, which specializes in the study of why the organization can be within a certain period of time.
Why are you losing? Then build a fox combination to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses, harvesting leeks without loopholes. To blame, the public fundraising quantitative robot was published and invented. In 2010, all data of the stock market was programmed using the market value weighting method.
Made an index product called CSI 300 e t f e external. In one to three years, overseas quantitative concepts and talents came to China, forming local and overseas groups. The overseas dispatch represented by Shikun's team, the domestic dispatch is exchanged.
The trading volume in the market in the first to three years is very large, and there are also many retail investors. It is also very conducive to the quantitative editing of the model. Just writing a linear model can make forty. arrive. In 2017, the four great diamonds of Ruitian Nine Palaces were developed and the official production was outstanding.
Magic Fang Minghong began to exert its strength in 19, rushing from 5 billion to 10 billion, and achieved the head. In December 2020, the quantitative scale was only 500 billion, and in June of the following year, the scale reached trillions, and the growth in half a year exceeded the accumulation of the previous ten years. Scary?
Non-standard industrial funds, coupled with the reverse setback of the general performance of public offering funds, have caused a lot of funds to flow into this industry. Now it is still expanding, the scale is skyrocketing, the technological means are iterated rapidly, and the quantification is fast, and the leadership has been upgraded to the computer age. But Xiaosan still stays at the stage of looking at the fundamentals, and the technology has stopped and the stocks are flat.
What hasn't changed for decades, the only thing that has changed is the growth of age and the birth of a new batch of fearless leeks. Forward it, let more small umbrellas seize changes and meet new challenges. The scary thing about quantitative funds is that traders are better than you and the tools are more advanced than you.
I don't have a rest yet, I just learn that ordinary people do t and zero by reeling, while the machine relies on high speed. Write the password first. After the exchange has given a millisecond signal, it will automatically place an order to trade. Don't say you can't see it if you buy it.
Is it okay to have more than a thousand tickets under the vertical? Even if you can stare at 250 trading days a year, you can try to see the speed, we can't, strategy, we can definitely rank the quantified models on the overall performance of the whole market through net profit and other comprehensive performance.
The essence of the selection is indeed broken, unlike public offerings that only conduct research on a certain company. What he pursues is accuracy and hit rate. As long as he calculates a winning rate of more than 5%, he will do it. He only seeks to beat the index. This is the index enhancement.
Add another hedge, that is, quantitative hedging and neutrality, nothing is added, that is, quantitative stock selection and c t a strategy, which allows the computer to monitor the entire market in real time. For example, if the red price in many markets is different, the spread can be made. This is called cross-market arbitrage.
Although the two varieties of soybeans and soybeans are not the same, they are similar and have a substitution relationship. This is called arbitrage of similar varieties. In some industries, product a and product b are sold together. When the price of product a rises, product b will also rise in the future.
Complementary goods arbitrage is a combination of analysis and strategy, how can ordinary people compare? Since all quantitative funds use these four routines, why are the returns different? Because the strategy is inseparable from the subjective judgment of people.
All the output of the mining factor algorithm combination comes from the brain. After all, there is a difference between people and people. You know why quantitative funds are all PhDs in mathematics and physics. The quantification that the third phase of the video made everyone understand is actually not invincible.
Robots were also invented by humans. In this case, how can we fight back? Forward it to let more retail investors look at and choose fund stocks. If you learn this method, you will avoid a lot of detours, and you will not look at the fundamentals or technical aspects of stocks, but just look at the photos.
Stocks stocks in a way of looking, do you think it’s cool or not? Just finished talking with a PhD in physics, he said that the technology of convolutional neural network has been used in quantitative stock selection. What is this? If you look at this picture, look closely at an old man and a young girl.
Now this technology can also recognize two people at the same time, and image recognition is already stronger than people. In stock selection, for example, if we want to make a profit of 60 this year and can bear a loss of 20, then the machine will intercept all the pictures of individual stocks that can meet this requirement in history, about 10 million photos.
Then compare with the current market, and then make a decision, which is to use all k-line graphs as pictures to identify and judge. Whether handsome or not, there is another called quantitative timing, which uses the method of wave theory and quantum mechanics to carry out dynamic position control using the aerospace wonton theory.
what does it mean? That is, the k-line is regarded as a horizontal wave from left to right, and the speed of the horizontal wave is judged by the volume and price. When the speed is exhausted to a certain extent, it is a price of buying and selling, which triggers the rule.
Simply put, you can buy bottoms and tops, how about it. Another disciple said, can't quantification work? Don't talk about Xiaosan's gameplay, and quantify the commonly used index-enhanced c t strategy. Xiao Sangen must change quickly.
Don't make leeks after forwarding, see you next time.

Made an index product called CSI 300 e t f e external. In one to three years, overseas quantitative concepts and talents came to China, forming local and overseas groups. The overseas dispatch represented by Shikun's team, the domestic dispatch is exchanged.
The trading volume in the market in the first to three years is very large, and there are also many retail investors. It is also very conducive to the quantitative editing of the model. Just writing a linear model can make forty. arrive. In 2017, the four great diamonds of Ruitian Nine Palaces were developed and the official production was outstanding.
Magic Fang Minghong began to exert its strength in 19, rushing from 5 billion to 10 billion, and achieved the head. In December 2020, the quantitative scale was only 500 billion, and in June of the following year, the scale reached trillions, and the growth in half a year exceeded the accumulation of the previous ten years. Scary?
Non-standard industrial funds, coupled with the reverse setback of the general performance of public offering funds, have caused a lot of funds to flow into this industry. Now it is still expanding, the scale is skyrocketing, the technological means are iterated rapidly, and the quantification is fast, and the leadership has been upgraded to the computer age. But Xiaosan still stays at the stage of looking at the fundamentals, and the technology has stopped and the stocks are flat.