量价关系十大规律Ten laws of the relationship between volume and price
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-09-30 | 1335 次浏览 | 分享到:
用钱它不能改变,这就是我之前讲的出不了货,就是出不了货。再牛的操盘手都不可能通过技术k 线来改变这个结果。
Why stocks must be based on trading volume, because the relationship between volume and price is the most straightforward and most useful language in the stock market. I have summarized the ten rules of trading volume, which add up to less than a hundred words, basically covering all the relationship between volume and price. Suggestions, likes, collections. many.
Look at it a few more times. First, the shrinking volume will increase as well. Second, the shrinking volume will fall. Third, a huge increase at a high level is bound to fall. Fourth, a huge increase in the low position.
Will call back. The fifth and first place is bound to rebound after a huge decline. Sixth, the top signal of heavy stagflation. Seventh, shrink the bottom line of the cloth. Eighth, the amount is large and the amount is small.
Ninth, the top is down immeasurably, and the market outlook will set new highs. Tenth, the top volume fell heavily, and it is difficult for the market outlook to set new highs. Mastering these ten laws can solve most problems. Many fans have never understood the relationship between volume and price.
Let’s talk about it systematically today, and be sure to read it carefully. First, separate the word volume and price. Volume refers to trading volume. This is a professional term or an indicator term.
In game theory, the so-called quantity refers to whether there are more or less people participating in the game. Here I would like to emphasize again that the heavy volume within a certain range can be achieved through guidance.
The shrinkage is the real data. Besides the price value price or the stock price, the price within a certain range is only valid for retail investors, not for the main force.
What does this sentence mean? That is, the price is not the key to the main trader, because the price can be changed with money, but the real trading volume must have the participation of over-the-counter funds.
It can’t be changed with money. This is what I said before. No matter how good a trader is, it is impossible for a technical bar to change this result.
When we are trading in stocks, we should look at the market more from the perspective of the main force, rather than from the perspective of retail investors. In the daily operation of market value management, the main force pays more attention to quantity rather than price.
Many people are talking about volume and price. Let me tell you that we are not looking at volume and price to predict stock prices, but to find the basis for opening positions, or to analyze the intention of the main force. The first basis for retail investors to look at the volume.
Just know the capital situation in the game pool. A stock trades 10 million a day. Can you take a few million to participate in a short-term game? Remember not because of this amount.
He cannot accept the profit of opponents like you. Also, when playing the board, your capital cannot exceed 5% of the trading volume, that is, 100 million transactions, and your purchase cannot exceed 5 million.
Otherwise, you will be targeted. This is what I often say that large funds cannot be repositioned to make up for short-term operations. Because the meat in the plate has such a little resistance, it can't be easily done.
Let you make money out. The second basis is the authenticity of the stock price rise. This is more complicated, because we mentioned before that at the main rise or important pressure level, the volume is more critical.
Whether the price can stand firm or not depends on whether the transaction volume can be accepted, so we regard the price as effective as the increase in volume. But the price here is just as complicated.
We say that the high volume of most stocks often means the formation of the top. Then don't listen to the surface consciousness of this sentence. The essential logic is that the stock price is at a high level, which means that it is in the high range.
There is still a lot of money to participate in the game, which gives the conditions and basis for the main force to ship. Therefore, we say that volume has two sides, and it is at an important pressure level.
The stock price broke through with heavy volume. We regard it as the main force and sincerely resolve the lock-up, while the stock price is at a high level. The trading volume is enlarged, we regard it as the main force, and conditionally ship.
Therefore, when we look at the trading volume, we must also apply the concept of game theory, that is, the main force is shipped here. Whether the trading volume supports the main force to break through here, and whether the trading volume keeps up.
Simplify a little bit, the previous pressure position, the set of almost 200 million chips. Breaking through the important pressure level today, the trading volume is only 150 million. Is this breakthrough effective? we say.
Although the price has gone up, there is no quantitative support, so we consider the price of the breakthrough as invalid or unable to stand firm.
The trading volume has shrunk year-on-year. Then we talk about this condition, it cannot support the main force's mass shipments, and it does not have mass shipments. Then in the follow-up market, it will appear at the top.
Can you understand the repeated fluctuations in the market and the re-creation of shipping conditions? Let's look back at the Three Gorges case I mentioned earlier, or the recent salt lake case. We know that the so-called trading volume is not directly related to the rise in stock prices.
Both the Three Gorges and Salt Lake have increased in volume, so do we think the stock price has stabilized? Will it be pulled up later? It's definitely not the concept I just talked about here. First, high-level and heavy-volume are the prerequisites, or the basis, for the main shipment.
Both of them are high-end and heavy-volume, which shows that the main force can complete the shipment on this basis. 2. High and heavy volume means that a large number of opponents participate, so who will make these opponents profitable?
Don't tell me about market relay. The market is a sickle, not a fashionista. Finally, to summarize, we look at technology, look at indicators, look at trading volume, and never look at superficial data.
It is the underlying logic behind the data, which must be considered from the standpoint of the main force. So if you were the main force, what would you think, and what would retail investors think?
This is called the main force behavior of reverse thinking, and all the indicators can be drawn for you as long as you have money. In the investment market, only the relationship between volume and price is the most real, and only real money can drive stock prices to rise. So when we analyze customers, we must consider the volume and price.
If you look at it carefully, you will really understand what the stock market is. These enjoy profit growth, the ten signals of the true relationship between volume and price. It is recommended to like and favorite. The first is the increase in the low volume, the flat is bullish, and the stock price fluctuates sideways when it is low.
At the same time, the trading volume has gradually increased. If you don't look at the trading volume, the red pillars have increased significantly. The excess water filter looks uneven. The most likely reason is that the main force is buying, and the follow-up is bullish. The second type of volume increase is also bullish, and the volume of transactions continues to increase.
The stock price has also begun to move upwards, which is a clear short-weekly bullish signal. The third type is the first volume, whether it is flat, deepening or bullish. After a period of shrinking, the stock price has not been mentioned recently, and there has been no quantitative change in two or three weeks, but the stock price has risen.
It is very likely that this is the main price system, and the follow-up is bullish. Fourth, the high-position bright-screen driver strengthens the police. This situation shows that the buyer has not increased, because there is no new capital relay, and the subsequent promotion of price increases may be relatively weak.
At this time, we must be vigilant, high-ranking may be the main force will ask questions, of course, you will think it is possible, depending on resistance, greedy or not, right? Lose an understanding to deepen. Look at this is what the Jiekou Principle says, saying that the volume can rise, and if there is no volume increase, it means that the empty oil buyer has no seller.
Someone buys but does not sell, it means that the supply exceeds the demand, and the supply exceeds the demand. Why? Continue to rise. Sixth, this is also the case for volume reduction and price leveling, which is an adjustment for volume reduction. The first place may be a few high places, and the seventh volume reduction may be required.
The bearish shrinkage is still falling, which shows that the market sentiment is low. No one in this vote wants this kind of infinite decline to be the most terrible. The bottom decline and the bottom is far away. Is the eighth bright screen down or bearish?
On average, the stock will only open one lower, indicating that the main force is slowly emerging. The ninth low-level volume will increase and decrease in the follow-up. It is recommended to stay on the sidelines at this time. At the low level, the increase in trading volume indicates that new funds are entering the market. .
If the fourth row can stop falling afterwards, it may rise. But if the test is not good, then prepare for the tenth high volume increase and price, fall steadily, bearish, heavy volume decline, and the absolute main shipment will be accurate. At this time, you can see it and run quickly. I have always explained the relationship between quantity and price clearly. I still don’t understand me.

用钱它不能改变,这就是我之前讲的出不了货,就是出不了货。再牛的操盘手都不可能通过技术k 线来改变这个结果。