正确的股票交易Correct stock trading
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-09-29 | 1471 次浏览 | 分享到:
当时很多大v 说资金抱团取暖不会长久,所以我专拍的一个视频去反驳这些大v 这两天我看到很多的千亿市值的股票。
技术形态具有一定的参考价值,但所有的图形都是可以用资金画出来的。同样一个图形,比如m c d 和k t d 的指标。
问题来了,同样是小米加步枪,你过五关斩六将的依据是什么呢?k 线技术,各种战法洗洗睡吧。我发现大家都喜欢走捷径。
Stock trading is human nature, read it ten times carefully, and your understanding will become very thorough. I have been trading in stocks for more than ten years, and I also want to understand a lot of things. In fact, why do we lose money in stocks?
Is it because our level is not enough, is it because of our bad luck, or is it because the opponent is too sinister? In fact, it's not. We are afraid of stepping into the air, and we buy when we are not fully prepared.
Buy before you think about it seriously. Buy it when you have not gone through in-depth analysis and mining.
We buy when we don’t even do simple demining work, etc. Anyway, we are afraid of running out, afraid of missing opportunities, afraid of passing by.
Therefore, when the foreplay is not sufficient, they actively enter.
So we can't wait to sleep with the stock every day, even if it is close to the close, we have to find a stock that feels very ordinary to buy at will, and then just open it.
Started to dream, right? In fact, what we should do the most is to reduce your transaction frequency, and be happy in our best state. In short, when you feel it.
Boldly buying in heavy positions is simply the process of repeatedly waiting to buy, holding shares to sell and waiting, and arbitrage over and over again.
It is the kingly way of capital growth. Many people want to get rich quickly by doing transactions, but it is impossible to get rich if they make their accounts quickly.
Liquidation is the inevitable result. If you don't have any skills, you want to get rich quickly. Please consider the following questions. First, others have lost money for five to eight years.
Why do you want to make money as soon as you come up?
If you can make money like this, it's really unreasonable.
Second, after trading for a period of time, what kind of golden fork to use to do long, die fork short, occasionally made a few consecutive orders and excitedly thought that I found the trader Shengbiao.
Can't find the southeast, northwest, and regard himself as Buffett and Soros.
Three questions, what kind of risk control have you done, and how do you ensure that your account is not saved? You said that I don't need to do risk control, I will not hide it. I just want to say, brother, you value yourself too much.
In this market, a large volatility or a large loss can knock down your non-risk-conscious account. Fourth, the tall buildings are very beautiful.
You can build it without giving you a pile of bricks and cement. If you want to do a good deal, you must have professional trading knowledge as the foundation, and you must have a clear trading idea for design.
And consciously train yourself to ensure safety. In this way, this high-rise building will be built during your trading career. In fact, I also know that no matter how hard I try.
You can't wake up and want to quickly change your revenge. But I still want to convey some correct trading ideas. Wake up, brother.
I really ask friends who are trading in stocks, don’t always check the stock price will exhaust your restraint.
Many people always look at the price every few minutes, as if as long as you don't stare at it, the stock price will plummet.
But the problem is that changing stock prices are a call to action.
As long as you look at the stock price once, the stock price will tell your irrational brain. What do you need to do? Three or two times can be restrained, but if you check too frequently, the stock price will exhaust your restraint.
Until you inexplicably make another wrong transaction by feeling.
So why should you let yourself heal this situation? Stimulate the brain continuously, until irrational.
In fact, when we buy the stock of a good company, there is no need to keep an eye on the stock price every day. As long as the company develops in a positive direction, its long-term earnings are unstoppable.
Take a closer look and see if you have any such problems. If so, please correct them immediately. Many people have a big misunderstanding, that is, long-term money is slow to make money.
Short-term money is quick, and I think that small funds should be short-term, and big funds can be long-term. In my opinion, this is completely wrong. In fact, you really have to have a few million short-term.
It is understandable. Because you can basically do it full-time for millions of dollars, you can devote yourself to watching the market and doing short-term work. You only have tens of thousands of dollars.
Two to three million.
You are still doing short-term work while working. The final result can only involve each other's energy, causing you to fail to do a good job and not to sell well in stocks. You think you.
A short-term peg, is your bet your tens of thousands of dollars? In fact, it is not your bet at all, it is your time and your career development.
It's your future. Short-term is an investment activity that pays a lot of money and has very low returns. No matter whether you make money or not, as long as you start to watch the market, start short-term.
In fact, you have already lost. The short-term is a zero-sum game. If someone makes money, someone loses money. If someone loses money, someone makes money.
You think that based on your knowledge, with your tens of thousands of dollars in amateur stocks, you can get from those tens of millions of millions of hot money pockets.
Does it exceed the money? On what basis do you feel? For ninety-nine percent of people, small funds want to use short-term funds to make big funds.
It is simply impossible.
The only way to make big money is value investment.
Many friends ask me, is it useful to learn stock trading skills? Today I will bring you some dry goods, technology is really not important. I have survived in the stock market for more than 20 years, when I was young.
I have also studied various tactics and various indicators. But since the beginning of making money, I rarely rely on technology. Stocks mainly look at the general trend, and what we need to do is certainty.
Choosing the right direction, you can lie down and win the stock market in China, you must first see the trend of the policy. The second video I published at the beginning of the year was why we should be firmly optimistic about the big blue chips.
At that time, many big players said that it would not last long to keep a group of funds to keep warm, so I made a special video to refute these big players. In the past two days, I saw a lot of stocks with a market value of 100 billion yuan.
In particular, the big blue chips are still at their daily limit. Why do they emphasize the big blue chips?
Older people know that many civil servants in our government who were poor in the past could not even get their wages. After nearly three decades of rising housing prices, many problems were resolved.
But what will it depend on in the future? Can you still rely on real estate? How many news this year, I don’t know if you have paid attention to it? One is that the profits of state-owned enterprises are allocated to the maintenance of the elderly.
The other is the transfer of Maotai’s shares to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The future Chinese government will inevitably draw funds from the property market to the stock market. So how to ensure that the country and the people benefit?
Let's think about it, don't we increase the market value of these state-owned controlled companies but instead increase the junk stocks. Does the market value of private holdings allow you to realize it? Figured this out.
You will understand why we are now firmly optimistic about the big blue chips.
Some people asked, would the current position of more than 3,600 points be the top spot? I still remember that on the first trading day at the beginning of this year, I posted a video to refute many bearish Davids.
I said that the breakthrough on the last day of this year will never be the top, because I like to study the history and comparison of stocks. First of all, the top of the real bull market is definitely not flat on the monthly line.
It's an accelerated state.
In addition, the real top is absolutely impossible for a large group of blue-chip stocks. Financial and real estate have been adjusted for so long, and they are still lying on the floor. If this position is top, then.
Who is it going to be? Therefore, we need to have our own criteria for stock trading, to study more history, rather than just staring at the number of index points and a certain technical form.
The technical form has a certain reference value, but all the graphics can be drawn with funds. The same graph, such as the indicators of m c d and k t d.
It may show a relatively low point, but it may also be a falling center. If you are in the right direction, then your indicators may have reference value.
In the end, my investment technique is very simple, which is to choose a good stock and wait patiently for a suitable time to intervene in archaeology. Can financial freedom be achieved?
Is it true that those who earn tens of millions on tens of thousands of principals? It is possible in theory, but not in practice. There is a saying, "One will succeed in everything. The success of a general was built on the flesh and blood of countless soldiers.
In the same way, if you want to achieve financial freedom, your opponent must go bankrupt.
The question is, the same is the Xiaomi plus rifle. What is the basis for you to pass five levels and cut six generals? K-line technology, all kinds of tactics, let’s go to sleep. I find that everyone likes to take shortcuts.
I always want to study out a set of secrets for stock trading, like to listen to some superficial and easy-to-replicate things, not willing to study and analyze the logic behind it.
I can say that many financial bloggers actually made a mess of their own real market losses, or that he didn't trade stocks at all. I have made money in stock trading, but I never think that I have mastered some stock trading technology.
Making money is the inevitable effect produced by one's own mature trading logic.

当时很多大v 说资金抱团取暖不会长久,所以我专拍的一个视频去反驳这些大v 这两天我看到很多的千亿市值的股票。
技术形态具有一定的参考价值,但所有的图形都是可以用资金画出来的。同样一个图形,比如m c d 和k t d 的指标。
问题来了,同样是小米加步枪,你过五关斩六将的依据是什么呢?k 线技术,各种战法洗洗睡吧。我发现大家都喜欢走捷径。
Stock trading is human nature, read it ten times carefully, and your understanding will become very thorough. I have been trading in stocks for more than ten years, and I also want to understand a lot of things. In fact, why do we lose money in stocks?
Is it because our level is not enough, is it because of our bad luck, or is it because the opponent is too sinister? In fact, it's not. We are afraid of stepping into the air, and we buy when we are not fully prepared.
Buy before you think about it seriously. Buy it when you have not gone through in-depth analysis and mining.
We buy when we don’t even do simple demining work, etc. Anyway, we are afraid of running out, afraid of missing opportunities, afraid of passing by.
Therefore, when the foreplay is not sufficient, they actively enter.
So we can't wait to sleep with the stock every day, even if it is close to the close, we have to find a stock that feels very ordinary to buy at will, and then just open it.
Started to dream, right? In fact, what we should do the most is to reduce your transaction frequency, and be happy in our best state. In short, when you feel it.
Boldly buying in heavy positions is simply the process of repeatedly waiting to buy, holding shares to sell and waiting, and arbitrage over and over again.
It is the kingly way of capital growth. Many people want to get rich quickly by doing transactions, but it is impossible to get rich if they make their accounts quickly.
Liquidation is the inevitable result. If you don't have any skills, you want to get rich quickly. Please consider the following questions. First, others have lost money for five to eight years.
Why do you want to make money as soon as you come up?
If you can make money like this, it's really unreasonable.
Second, after trading for a period of time, what kind of golden fork to use to do long, die fork short, occasionally made a few consecutive orders and excitedly thought that I found the trader Shengbiao.
Can't find the southeast, northwest, and regard himself as Buffett and Soros.
Three questions, what kind of risk control have you done, and how do you ensure that your account is not saved? You said that I don't need to do risk control, I will not hide it. I just want to say, brother, you value yourself too much.
In this market, a large volatility or a large loss can knock down your non-risk-conscious account. Fourth, the tall buildings are very beautiful.
You can build it without giving you a pile of bricks and cement. If you want to do a good deal, you must have professional trading knowledge as the foundation, and you must have a clear trading idea for design.
And consciously train yourself to ensure safety. In this way, this high-rise building will be built during your trading career. In fact, I also know that no matter how hard I try.
You can't wake up and want to quickly change your revenge. But I still want to convey some correct trading ideas. Wake up, brother.
I really ask friends who are trading in stocks, don’t always check the stock price will exhaust your restraint.
Many people always look at the price every few minutes, as if as long as you don't stare at it, the stock price will plummet.
But the problem is that changing stock prices are a call to action.
As long as you look at the stock price once, the stock price will tell your irrational brain. What do you need to do? Three or two times can be restrained, but if you check too frequently, the stock price will exhaust your restraint.
Until you inexplicably make another wrong transaction by feeling.
So why should you let yourself heal this situation? Stimulate the brain continuously, until irrational.
In fact, when we buy the stock of a good company, there is no need to keep an eye on the stock price every day. As long as the company develops in a positive direction, its long-term earnings are unstoppable.
Take a closer look and see if you have any such problems. If so, please correct them immediately. Many people have a big misunderstanding, that is, long-term money is slow to make money.
Short-term money is quick, and I think that small funds should be short-term, and big funds can be long-term. In my opinion, this is completely wrong. In fact, you really have to have a few million short-term.
It is understandable. Because you can basically do it full-time for millions of dollars, you can devote yourself to watching the market and doing short-term work. You only have tens of thousands of dollars.
Two to three million.
You are still doing short-term work while working. The final result can only involve each other's energy, causing you to fail to do a good job and not to sell well in stocks. You think you.
A short-term peg, is your bet your tens of thousands of dollars? In fact, it is not your bet at all, it is your time and your career development.
It's your future. Short-term is an investment activity that pays a lot of money and has very low returns. No matter whether you make money or not, as long as you start to watch the market, start short-term.
In fact, you have already lost. The short-term is a zero-sum game. If someone makes money, someone loses money. If someone loses money, someone makes money.
You think that based on your knowledge, with your tens of thousands of dollars in amateur stocks, you can get from those tens of millions of millions of hot money pockets.
Does it exceed the money? On what basis do you feel? For ninety-nine percent of people, small funds want to use short-term funds to make big funds.
It is simply impossible.
The only way to make big money is value investment.
Many friends ask me, is it useful to learn stock trading skills? Today I will bring you some dry goods, technology is really not important. I have survived in the stock market for more than 20 years, when I was young.
I have also studied various tactics and various indicators. But since the beginning of making money, I rarely rely on technology. Stocks mainly look at the general trend, and what we need to do is certainty.
Choosing the right direction, you can lie down and win the stock market in China, you must first see the trend of the policy. The second video I published at the beginning of the year was why we should be firmly optimistic about the big blue chips.
At that time, many big players said that it would not last long to keep a group of funds to keep warm, so I made a special video to refute these big players. In the past two days, I saw a lot of stocks with a market value of 100 billion yuan.
In particular, the big blue chips are still at their daily limit. Why do they emphasize the big blue chips?
Older people know that many civil servants in our government who were poor in the past could not even get their wages. After nearly three decades of rising housing prices, many problems were resolved.
But what will it depend on in the future? Can you still rely on real estate? How many news this year, I don’t know if you have paid attention to it? One is that the profits of state-owned enterprises are allocated to the maintenance of the elderly.
The other is the transfer of Maotai’s shares to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The future Chinese government will inevitably draw funds from the property market to the stock market. So how to ensure that the country and the people benefit?
Let's think about it, don't we increase the market value of these state-owned controlled companies but instead increase the junk stocks. Does the market value of private holdings allow you to realize it? Figured this out.
You will understand why we are now firmly optimistic about the big blue chips.
Some people asked, would the current position of more than 3,600 points be the top spot? I still remember that on the first trading day at the beginning of this year, I posted a video to refute many bearish Davids.
I said that the breakthrough on the last day of this year will never be the top, because I like to study the history and comparison of stocks. First of all, the top of the real bull market is definitely not flat on the monthly line.
It's an accelerated state.
In addition, the real top is absolutely impossible for a large group of blue-chip stocks. Financial and real estate have been adjusted for so long, and they are still lying on the floor. If this position is top, then.
Who is it going to be? Therefore, we need to have our own criteria for stock trading, to study more history, rather than just staring at the number of index points and a certain technical form.
The technical form has a certain reference value, but all the graphics can be drawn with funds. The same graph, such as the indicators of m c d and k t d.
It may show a relatively low point, but it may also be a falling center. If you are in the right direction, then your indicators may have reference value.
In the end, my investment technique is very simple, which is to choose a good stock and wait patiently for a suitable time to intervene in archaeology. Can financial freedom be achieved?
Is it true that those who earn tens of millions on tens of thousands of principals? It is possible in theory, but not in practice. There is a saying, "One will succeed in everything. The success of a general was built on the flesh and blood of countless soldiers.
In the same way, if you want to achieve financial freedom, your opponent must go bankrupt.
The question is, the same is the Xiaomi plus rifle. What is the basis for you to pass five levels and cut six generals? K-line technology, all kinds of tactics, let’s go to sleep. I find that everyone likes to take shortcuts.
I always want to study out a set of secrets for stock trading, like to listen to some superficial and easy-to-replicate things, not willing to study and analyze the logic behind it.
I can say that many financial bloggers actually made a mess of their own real market losses, or that he didn't trade stocks at all. I have made money in stock trading, but I never think that I have mastered some stock trading technology.
Making money is the inevitable effect produced by one's own mature trading logic.