股市八大谎言The Eight Big Lies of the Stock Market
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-09-27 | 648 次浏览 | 分享到:
第七句,高抛低吸一句废话,可是大部分的人呢经常把它挂在嘴边。股市中什么是高,什么又是低呢?走过的k 线,你说它高。
对吧那第六句,炒股要看业绩也是一句正确的废话哈。业绩好,常年不涨的多的是在a 股股票涨不涨主要还是看主力资金的推动。
这句话在a 股并不好使,a 股市场的涨跌本身就是靠政策资金来推动的。中国经济十几年以来都是高增长,但是指数依然是在三千点。
Of the eight big lies in the stock market, 90% of retail investors have been deceived, and I don’t know why. Coming to the eighth sentence, a friend asks you how the stocks are doing, and you always answer that it’s okay.
Earning some food is actually not making money. If you hit the face every day, you will be numb, right? This has created your illusion that everyone else can make money in stocks, and only you are losing money. In fact, they are the same as you.
The seventh sentence is a nonsense, but most people often talk about it. What is high and what is low in the stock market? The bar that has been traversed, you say it is high.
High and low trends, but the road has not been traveled, how do you say it is high or low? Moutai is a typical example. When it used to be two hundred yuan, you said it was expensive and the stock price was high. Now it is two thousand, and I think it can reach three thousand.
Right, the sixth sentence, stocks depends on performance is also a correct nonsense. The performance is good, and the thing that does not rise all year round is that the rise of a-share stocks mainly depends on the promotion of main funds.
How many main bargaining chips are there, there are not many funds entering the market, performance is only one reason for stock selection, and future expectations are much more important than facts. Companies that are now losing money are also highly paid.
The fifth sentence, don't chase high, this sentence itself is not a problem, but the person who said it often has a wrong heart and a wrong word. Advise others not to chase high, but you are always there.
Then catch up with popular and rising tickets. The fourth sentence, stock news is not credible, but constantly looking at the stock market itself is a game of human nature. What retail investors can see and hear is the main force, what I want you to see.
The really good votes and the low ones will not let you see. clear. The third technical indicator does not work, but how did you make it out of the indicator you have been using?
It is made by historical trends, which can only reflect a trend in the past, and there is a logical problem in using the past to determine the future. Stocks have always looked at the future.
In the second sentence, the stock market is a barometer of the economy.
This sentence is not good for A-shares. The ups and downs of the A-share market are themselves driven by policy funds. The Chinese economy has been growing at a high rate for more than a decade, but the index is still at 3000 points.
What is the first sentence of wandering?
Click a thumbs-up, and pay attention to it. Don’t say anything but don’t act. The above are all mantras, and there is no meaning if you don't reflect on it after listening.

第七句,高抛低吸一句废话,可是大部分的人呢经常把它挂在嘴边。股市中什么是高,什么又是低呢?走过的k 线,你说它高。
对吧那第六句,炒股要看业绩也是一句正确的废话哈。业绩好,常年不涨的多的是在a 股股票涨不涨主要还是看主力资金的推动。
这句话在a 股并不好使,a 股市场的涨跌本身就是靠政策资金来推动的。中国经济十几年以来都是高增长,但是指数依然是在三千点。

Of the eight big lies in the stock market, 90% of retail investors have been deceived, and I don’t know why. Coming to the eighth sentence, a friend asks you how the stocks are doing, and you always answer that it’s okay.
Earning some food is actually not making money. If you hit the face every day, you will be numb, right? This has created your illusion that everyone else can make money in stocks, and only you are losing money. In fact, they are the same as you.