人工与机器人炒股对比落差The gap between human and robot stocks
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-09-17 | 636 次浏览 | 分享到:
还不如不募集,专心致志的哥量化,今年收益率这么高,赚的谁的钱,你觉得会是机构的,全是散户的钱,以前散户和庄家都起码还是人。现在是机器人用大数据跟你斗量化私募现在有一点一万亿,每天成交量三千亿,占a 股百分之。
a 五到现在也刚好三十年,量化也刚好进场了。巧不巧,意不意外,散户既然打不过就加入呗。要不和机器人一伙,要不要和大机构战队自己就别玩了。大机构为啥不怕电话?
Quantitative trading is the sickle quantitative fund of artificial intelligence. Now you are not allowed to invest. It is not like they said, because the strategy is saturated and the internal volume is too serious. All quantitative trading is used. The leeks are not enough, who will leave it?
It's better not to raise money and quantify with a dedicated brother. With such a high rate of return this year, whoever makes money, you think it will belong to institutions, all of which are retail money. In the past, retail investors and market makers were at least people. Now it is robots who use big data to fight you to quantify private equity. There are now 1.1 trillion, and the daily trading volume is 300 billion, accounting for% of a-shares.
This twenty trading volume means forty, and for every two stocks you trade, one robot will sell it to you. There is a private equity in Shanghai. Two months ago, I talked to me about the scale of 1 billion. Now it is 2.5 billion. The money is all found for you by the fourth bank of the trust. You want to increase the turnover rate by one hundred times.
Earn ten times more money than retail investors. The brokerage is so happy. The Four Banks Trust is also willing to sell this product that makes no loss. Customers also like it. The quantitative foundation has a steady stream of large funds, and retail investors can be miserable. Quantification itself is the money to make trading arbitrage.
The more retail investors, the more profitable the quantification, and the machine formula algorithm is used to continuously harvest. After 527 years of retail accounts in the United States, after quantifying progress in 1995, now only 5% remains. The U.S. stock market has been in operation for 30 years and has begun to de-retail.
a It has been exactly 30 years from five to now, and quantification has just entered the market. Coincidentally, not unexpectedly, since retail investors can't get through, join in. If you don’t play with the robots, if you don’t play with the big organization team, don’t play. Why are big institutions not afraid of the phone?
Public offering funds are all held together with large votes, and a large number of small-scale funds do not have short positions and only have more than 1,000 checks. There is no capital advantage for large votes. For small tickets and retail investors, don't toss casually, there will be two tracks in the future. Public funds and quantitative private funds.
To determine the future quantification by not studying the development of the company is to determine the transaction through backtesting of various strategies. One is financial statements, and the other is mathematical and physical models. What these two tracks have in common is that they value trend investment.
To put it simply, don't buy bottoms, only trade on the right trend, and then continue to repost this video in the publicity section, so that more retail investors can see that they should not be cut leek anymore.

a It has been exactly 30 years from five to now, and quantification has just entered the market. Coincidentally, not unexpectedly, since retail investors can't get through, join in. If you don’t play with the robots, if you don’t play with the big organization team, don’t play. Why are big institutions not afraid of the phone?
Public offering funds are all held together with large votes, and a large number of small-scale funds do not have short positions and only have more than 1,000 checks. There is no capital advantage for large votes. For small tickets and retail investors, don't toss casually, there will be two tracks in the future. Public funds and quantitative private funds.
To determine the future quantification by not studying the development of the company is to determine the transaction through backtesting of various strategies. One is financial statements, and the other is mathematical and physical models. What these two tracks have in common is that they value trend investment.
To put it simply, don't buy bottoms, only trade on the right trend, and then continue to repost this video in the publicity section, so that more retail investors can see that they should not be cut leek anymore.