钱的作用与华尔街做局The role of money and Wall Street
来源: | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-09-14 | 689 次浏览 | 分享到:
In the next five minutes, if you understand it, your life might really start to fly, just like it’s on or off.
Why don't you treat money as money?
Ah, because this is fake money, look.
Because this is fake.
Whoever has one hundred yuan, then this is real money, real money is also fake in the eyes of the rich.
Do you think he is joking with you?
In the eyes of the rich, this is also fake.
I'm not kidding you.
This thing has no value.
He only has value when he exchanges it for assets.
Let's discuss a question together, how does money come into being, and is money currency?
We didn't have it at first.
After we have surplus value, you have sheep and I have cows. We want to change it, and then we will order three sheep for one cow.
But you have a donkey.
You want to change my cow, hey, what should I do? Let's make the sheep a unit.
One donkey is exchanged for two sheep, and then the sheep is used as an intermediate unit. Can you understand what I said, that is, in the future, you will buy anything at the market, and you must first replace your things with sheep.
Then I exchanged sheep for that thing, but later I found that it was too troublesome. Can I turn the sheep into a sheep? To put it bluntly, it is a substitute. Sheep are actually valuable at first.
Later, our balcony was in trouble, let's find something to replace it. Come on shells, so our Chinese pliers are quilts. At first they were shells, but shells are actually worthless.
Slowly find precious metals, gold and silver.
Of course, gold is actually worthless because it is scarce. Everyone thinks that it is valuable, it is valuable.
Come and continue, slowly the gold is too heavy, and it is too troublesome to move around. Let's do this. In the Song Dynasty, the first banknote we produced was called Jiaozi.
Just take it and stamp it.
This is money, because it is a government chapter, so it is money. This thing is not a silver ticket, it was called Jiaozi earlier than a silver ticket, and later it became a silver ticket. To put it bluntly, this is a piece of paper.
The purpose of this piece of paper is that after you have traded, take this, and quickly exchange the gold back. If you think about it, can you get it right?
Slowly found out, all governments have found out, if I want to.
Using gold to reproduce money, then my money can’t be printed too much, because the money at that time was linked to gold, and then the currencies of the world were delinked from gold.
Decoupling from the world's currencies and gold, especially the U.S. dollar is the last one. Why is it called U.S. dollars? Because every U.S. dollar must have such a gold reserve before it can be issued.
He is gold. But when these Wall Street politicians in the United States have taken the U.S. dollar into the hearts of the people and turned it into a global settlement unit, we will talk about it in these two days.
The home of Wall Street.
After the Wall Street Bureau talks about this, you will find that just tell you this, starting with the decoupling of the US dollar from gold, the world's money.
It's all worthless anymore, it's all here. Come on, tell me you count the 30 years, and tell me which currency has not depreciated in these 30 years.
The Hong Kong dollar has been flattened, the renminbi has been flattened, the euro has been flattened, this dollar has also been flattened, hey, the US dollar has also been flattened, right or not? This is a piece of paper.
The rich see it very clearly, so the rich believe that only the money spent is their own money. There is only one role in purchasing assets to generate cash flow.
If my money can't buy assets and can't make money for me, my money is just a piece of paper.
He understands this very well.
And you don’t understand, you take money as your life.
You regard money as your first goal in life.
So many Chinese are.
People are in heaven, and money is in the bank.
Americans are Americans and understand, so Americans not only spend all their money, but also go to the bank to borrow, spend all the money in the bank, and then die.
People are in Tiantangzhai, in the bank.

The rich see it very clearly, so the rich believe that only the money spent is their own money. There is only one role in purchasing assets to generate cash flow.
If my money can't buy assets and can't make money for me, my money is just a piece of paper.
He understands this very well.
And you don’t understand, you take money as your life.
You regard money as your first goal in life.
So many Chinese are.
People are in heaven, and money is in the bank.
Americans are Americans and understand, so Americans not only spend all their money, but also go to the bank to borrow, spend all the money in the bank, and then die.
People are in Tiantangzhai, in the bank.