成立北京交易所的真正意义The true meaning of Beijing
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-09-08 | 895 次浏览 | 分享到:
目前呢中国的企业成长是这样的,你稍微冒点头,马上就能够拿到投资人的钱。从天使轮到a b c d 轮,不断的有资本向优秀企业伸出橄榄枝。
Recently, many people have interpreted the news about the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange, and everyone said it is very good. But I think it might be too professional. Today I hope to use a perspective that ordinary people can understand.
Let's do some analysis. The video may be quite long, but you will definitely gain something after listening to it. Deeply understand the significance of the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange. Combined with the recent series of changes, you will suddenly realize that the chess player behind is making the first step.
It has already planned an atmosphere.
What is the background of the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange? In four words, you might say that we are prosperous together. We can have anything to do with common prosperity. Yes, this is the main theme of the current era.
Think about it, there are many things to do to achieve common prosperity, one of which is to prevent the monopoly of giants. The monopoly of the giants has left almost no small and medium innovators in the market able to survive.
The way giants gain access to the market is simple and rude. Let's take community group buying as an example. Various giants have changed their methods to subsidize them, using their wealth to support low-price dumping and squeeze the living space of their opponents.
The final goal is to dominate one family, and then use monopoly to control market prices. It's not just community group buying, including food delivery, online car-hailing, and even reading music in various fields.
The way of playing giant disease is exactly the same. You say this is a competition for a hammer. Whoever has the money is the boss. No one will think about innovation for a long time.
It is obvious that the senior management has figured this out. In 2021, in view of the monopoly status of the giants, countless fines came one after another, so there is no need to go into details. Everyone has seen relevant news a few months ago.
On the one hand, the giants must converge, and on the other side, of course, they must encourage innovative small and medium-sized enterprises to emerge. How to encourage them? The enterprise is nothing more than a direction.
Someone has pointed out the direction for you to escape from the virtual to the real, and prepared Daxing vocational and technical education for you, so how can the money be given to you?
Coming to the Beijing Stock Exchange, the giants should not think that you are a great company that truly relies on innovation to rise and is based on entities and technology, and can completely take over the market in your hands. so.
If you look at these combos, you have to sigh that this game is really wonderful.
The above is my summary of the first level of significance for the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange. This second level of meaning is even more profound. Ordinary people may not even think of it. From a certain perspective, the existence of the Beijing Stock Exchange is to prevent it.
The way of capital.
At present, the growth of Chinese enterprises is like this. If you nod your head, you will be able to get investors' money immediately. From the angel's turn to the a b c d round, there is constant capital to extend an olive branch to outstanding enterprises.
This is a good thing for companies. After all, they have made money and shared losses. Some people have greatly improved the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of talents. But where is the problem?
This capital circle gradually formed the Matthew effect, which is the so-called strong and strong. When you look back, China's top companies, no matter which field you are in, have only a few capital behind them.
There is a problem with this. For example, a certain financial platform, a certain travel platform has to go public in the face of risk, who is driving it? The main thing is the capital behind it.
If controlled by a few capitals, the vast majority of outstanding enterprises in China, this is definitely a potential risk.
How to do it? The Beijing Stock Exchange has established small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition to taking money from investment institutions, they also have the opportunity to go to the Beijing Stock Exchange for financing. There are both institutions and certain retail investors here. Therefore, the investors behind the company are very scattered.
Dispersed investors will naturally not know the fate of the enterprise. Therefore, the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange has not only provided small and medium-sized enterprises with financing channels, but also prevented a small number of capital from conducting business to growing companies.
Investment monopoly.
I don’t know the first two points. But the next third point of analysis, although I will be very implicit, but you must understand. The establishment of Beijing Stock Exchange, if you want to achieve the purpose of helping small and medium-sized enterprises financing.
There is a prerequisite, that is, there must be real money in this market. Where does the real money come from? From the eldest brother Shanghai Stock Exchange, the second brother Shenzhen Stock Exchange?
This is of little significance, so whether it can attract funds from other places is very important. Which place attracts me is not convenient to say that you can guess. Of course, I want real money to participate.
The Beijing Stock Exchange must have benchmarking companies, and even a proper bubble. This means that the Beijing Stock Exchange will definitely find some outstanding small and medium-sized enterprises, so that those who participate in them will get a real cake.
This is for sure, you pretend to be careful.
Well, let's make a summary. Regardless of the anti-monopoly two-child and three-child policy, education reform, entertainment industry rectification, including changes in the financial sector. We can't separate these recent major events.
In essence, their goals are unity.
The people must be happy, the young people must be healthy, and the population must be prosperous.
Same husband.


Recently, many people have interpreted the news about the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange, and everyone said it is very good. But I think it might be too professional. Today I hope to use a perspective that ordinary people can understand.
Let's do some analysis. The video may be quite long, but you will definitely gain something after listening to it. Deeply understand the significance of the establishment of the Beijing Stock Exchange. Combined with the recent series of changes, you will suddenly realize that the chess player behind is making the first step.