投资盈利必须复盘与如何复盘Investment profit must be reviewed and how to review
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-08-30 | 680 次浏览 | 分享到:
目标呢要尽量的去量化,一定要符合smart 原则及明确的具体可衡量有挑战,但可实现相关可控,有实现这五步。否则呢在复盘的时候呢,容易出现公说公有理,婆说婆有理的情况。
Replay is very, very important. It can make the success and failure of individuals and teams meaningful. For those who want to make breakthroughs in their work, please be patient to finish reading, it will definitely help your work. Finally, there is a dry suggestion why it is so important to save the review, because you do anything.
In addition to looking at the results, it also depends on whether the person doing the work can learn from it. If the cause and improvement measures can be found from the failure, this failure is worthy of tolerance. On the contrary, if you succeed, but you don't know why it succeeded, this kind of success cannot be replicated.
It is also meaningless. Ren Zhengfei believed that the general was not taught, but played. In Huawei's internal review, 100% coverage was achieved. The person who is best at replay is Zeng Guofan.
Guofan’s has a habit. Every time he does something, whether it succeeds or fails, he will make a replay. His ambition is very ambitious, but he believes that his qualifications are not good enough, so he can only continuously improve and optimize through continuous review and reflection. So successful companies and successful people, they will do this thing.
Today I will teach you the three steps of replay. The first step of replay starts with review, that is, what your original goal was. Starting from the original goal, compare the current results and list out where to do well and where to do it. Not enough.
The goal should be quantified as much as possible. It must conform to the smart principle and be clear, specific, measurable and challenging, but relevant and controllable, and there are five steps to achieve. Otherwise, in the resumption of the market, it is easy for the public to say that the public is reasonable, and the mother-in-law says that the mother is reasonable.
If each argument remains deadlocked, it will become a large-scale debate scene. Uh, replay is always the focus of the target, and the focus is to move forward together. The second step is the progress of the achievement of the goal, and disassemble and analyze the reasons.
How is the goal achieved? Did you have clear goals and steps within the stipulated time? Finding the bright spots and shortcomings can analyze the key elements that lead to success or failure. Don't float on the surface when analyzing. At this time, you can use some tools commonly used in replays.
To help us think structured. For example, Toyota’s commonly used five “whys” method and “five whys” refer to the problems found in the production process. It is necessary to continuously ask five or more questions to find the real reason behind it.
Only in this way can we find the real reason behind it. One of the most famous examples is that the machine on the production line always stopped rotating. Although it had been repaired many times, it still did not improve. So I put on glasses and conducted the following question and answer with the workers.
Why did the machine stop? The composite fuse was broken because it exceeded it. Why? Because the bearing is not lubricated enough?
Because the lubrication pump can't suck the oil, why can't it get online? Because the oil pump shaft is worn and loose, why should I change it? Because there is no filter installed, impurities such as iron filings are mixed in. You see, only when the root of the problem is really approached, the logic will emerge clearly.
This is also a manifestation of the attitude of excellence at work. The last thing is to summarize and refine the experience. Nowadays, many companies call it methodology. In fact, they have to conduct replays to win or lose. The purpose of this is to extract experience.
Consolidate strengths, improve weaknesses, and believe that we can persist. The people who see here are all learning and thinking babies. Here is the review table tool that I often use for everyone to use. I hope everyone in the workplace can sum up and reflect every day.
Improve by one point and one every day to make yourself better and better.

目标呢要尽量的去量化,一定要符合smart 原则及明确的具体可衡量有挑战,但可实现相关可控,有实现这五步。否则呢在复盘的时候呢,容易出现公说公有理,婆说婆有理的情况。