换手率的五种实战技巧Five practical skills for turnover rate
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-08-29 | 421 次浏览 | 分享到:
Why do stocks need to look at the turnover rate, because the main force can be expressed through the turnover rate, whether it is acquisition or shipment. Today, I will share with you five practical uses of turnover rate, each of which is dry. First, the turnover rate is between 3% and 5%, indicating that the main force is attracting money. If the stock price is at a low level, it will be necessary.
Pay special attention to the second. The turnover rate is greater than 8% but less than 15%, which means that the main capital is flowing into the stock price. Third, the turnover rate is greater than 25%, which means that the main force is shipping. If the stock price is at a high level and the big Yin line is closed at the same time, it is a ship signal. Fourth, the patient.
More than 70% indicates that the main force is fleeing madly, and a big drop in the future is a high probability event. It is best to sell directly, and do not have a fluke. Fifth, it is very important. The new stocks have just launched, and the turnover rate is greater than 50%, and then maintained at about 20%. Say.
It shows that the market outlook can continue to rise. Entering these five points will help you judge the strength of the stock based on the turnover rate and make buying and selling decisions. Follow me and teach you more to see.

More than 70% indicates that the main force is fleeing madly, and a big drop in the future is a high probability event. It is best to sell directly, and do not have a fluke. Fifth, it is very important. The new stocks have just launched, and the turnover rate is greater than 50%, and then maintained at about 20%. Say.
It shows that the market outlook can continue to rise. Entering these five points will help you judge the strength of the stock based on the turnover rate and make buying and selling decisions. Follow me and teach you more to see.