记录时代最重大的一次分岐The most significant divergence of the record era
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-08-23 | 1117 次浏览 | 分享到:
从k 十二双减以后,中概股a 股、港股全面大撤退,你也能抄底了,咣当黑还有人再砸盘跑路。我还说到有人说这是国家队在逼外资交筹码,让内资自己来支撑核心资产的盘。
这两天,财经委员会第十次会议这么长篇幅的解读共同会议只是在全面落实接下来要做的工作。所以从今年四月的平台反垄断到k 色双减,再到住房不炒。
行不行,自己判断吧。ok 今天就分享到这里啊,想听点深度的财富逻辑。
从k 十二双减以后,中概股a 股、港股全面大撤退,你也能抄底了,咣当黑还有人再砸盘跑路。我还说到有人说这是国家队在逼外资交筹码,让内资自己来支撑核心资产的盘。
这两天,财经委员会第十次会议这么长篇幅的解读共同会议只是在全面落实接下来要做的工作。所以从今年四月的平台反垄断到k 色双减,再到住房不炒。
行不行,自己判断吧。ok 今天就分享到这里啊,想听点深度的财富逻辑。
从k 十二双减以后,中概股a 股、港股全面大撤退,你也能抄底了,咣当黑还有人再砸盘跑路。我还说到有人说这是国家队在逼外资交筹码,让内资自己来支撑核心资产的盘。
这两天,财经委员会第十次会议这么长篇幅的解读共同会议只是在全面落实接下来要做的工作。所以从今年四月的平台反垄断到k 色双减,再到住房不炒。
行不行,自己判断吧。ok 今天就分享到这里啊,想听点深度的财富逻辑。
Foreign capital has run away. Last Thursday and Friday, the northward capital sold for more than 20 billion yuan. This is something I have never seen in the past five or six years. The stock market during this period of time has been really miserable, and it's hard to tell.
After the k-twelve double reduction, the A-shares and Hong Kong stocks retreat in an all-round way, and you can also buy bottoms. I also mentioned that some people say that this is a situation where the national team is forcing foreign investors to pay their bargaining chips and let domestic investors support their core assets.
There is no logic at all in such a person's point of view. Is there any Datong family who doesn't want their fish ponds to be as big as possible, and dare to go. As long as the fish is in mine, it is very troublesome if mine is gone.
So, what is the core problem that you don't understand this truth? It is the view that the Bridgewater Fund has not reached the flow. Many of our actions have been very frequent recently. Are they short-term fluctuations or long-term deterioration?
The capital market began to have serious divergence. When the market is emotionally unstable, no matter how good a stock is, it will raise an idiom. So you have also seen that I have not been able to objectively dismantle some stocks in the past two weeks because of everyone's emotions.
No longer on shopping. Pessimism towards the market is already spreading. To put it bluntly, many people start to panic, and the question is coming, why are they panicking? Why are they running? The answer is simple. What they panicked is to return to the big local tyrants that once happened.
They are afraid of going back to a certain era in the past, but to be honest, such panic is quite naive. If all such funds are competing in the capital market, then I don't think these funds are what Mali is.
They still don't understand all the answers in China. As early as 2020, we have all told us, and all the actions we are doing now are to understand this answer. It is written in black and white, and it is written upright in the 14th Five-Year Plan and the outline of the long-term goals for 2035.
I'm always jumping up and down, I once again suggest that you read this outline word by word. It's clearly written even if the high-speed rail has been connected to Taipei for several years. Is there something that you still don't understand?
Are you not confident enough? The centenary of the founding of the party this year is also very plain. We have built a well-off society in an all-round way in the first 100 years, and we will enter the second 100 years. What will the second hundred years do? The first small goal.
It is socialist modernization, in addition to economic strength, scientific and technological strength, and cultural soft power, it is to move toward common prosperity. The proportion of middle-income groups has increased, and the gap between urban and rural levels has narrowed.
In the past two days, the tenth meeting of the Finance and Economics Committee, a long-length interpretation joint meeting, is only fully implementing the work to be done next. Therefore, from the platform anti-monopoly in April this year, to the k-color double reduction, to the non-speculation of housing.
In the past two days, I started to talk about the liquor industry again. Later, we can predict the supervision of the pharmaceutical industry, the supervision of the entertainment industry, and the re-regulation of the real estate and financial industries. Anything that affects social equity is not conducive to common prosperity.
Everyone will adjust a sentence, from only focusing on efficiency to taking into account fairness, such adjustments are bound to be long-term. Some people say that we will follow the investment stock model, because you see that we are emphasizing acquaintance.
Returning to manufacturing and so on, I don’t think we are following our own model. The bottom line has already told us that the East must be a system of its own. It can’t learn from anyone and can only follow its own path.
So my judgment is that our route will be conservative in many places. This is determined by our nature and philosophy. As long as you are on this land, including any capital, you have to respect these and play here.
You have to recognize this bottom line, or you'll get out of it. At the same time, we will be very open in open places, open to talents, open to technology, open to capital, and to everything that respects our rules and core concepts.
We will still fully open up our tolerance, as long as it does not violate the bottom line, it is actually much larger than that of Western countries. There is a voice saying that the market is now in the darkest moment of the most confused valuation system. Wrong now is the darkest moment when the market is in the panic of the idea system. In the short term.
I am not very optimistic either, because this sentiment may be fermented in the future. But in the long run, I am not worried about why capital is capital and it has no ethics. Real capital is only a tool, and its background is also.
One is the market and the other is the trust. Did we say that we are going to market first? No, it is impossible for the economy to develop, and an efficient market is necessary. But he said that there must be supervision, restriction, and fairness.
There is a certain emphasis, is this right? I think there is nothing wrong. Today's article may be the most serious one I have talked about recently. In a sense, I am also entering the biggest disagreement in the history of the capital market.
But I firmly believe that these are just fluctuations, and these will only make our capital market better and healthier. Smart money is absolutely rational. Wherever there is water and grass, the fish will come back from eating the grass.
Whether it works, judge for yourself. ok I will share it here today, I want to hear some in-depth wealth logic.
Follow me.

I am not very optimistic either, because this sentiment may be fermented in the future. But in the long run, I am not worried about why capital is capital and it has no ethics. Real capital is only a tool, and its background is also.
One is the market and the other is the trust. Did we say that we are going to market first? No, it is impossible for the economy to develop, and an efficient market is necessary. But he said that there must be supervision, restriction, and fairness.
There is a certain emphasis, is this right? I think there is nothing wrong. Today's article may be the most serious one I have talked about recently. In a sense, I am also entering the biggest disagreement in the history of the capital market.
But I firmly believe that these are just fluctuations, and these will only make our capital market better and healthier. Smart money is absolutely rational. Wherever there is water and grass, the fish will come back from eating the grass.
Whether it works, judge for yourself. ok I will share it here today, I want to hear some in-depth wealth logic.