股票卖出时机衡量指标Stock sell timing indicator
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-08-06 | 634 次浏览 | 分享到:
叫做容量上限,就是说公众对某一类方向的认同人数是有上限的。a 股里的票其实也一样是有容量上限的。股民认同某上市公司的业务逻辑,进而购入其公司的股票。那么它的实时股东人数就加一。
原理很重要哈,我尽量说的简单一点,a 股市场其实是一个百分之一百符合大众心理学里一个叫做羊群效应的地方。说简单点哈就是去哪里吃草的羊变多了,去哪里吃草的羊就会更多,这个叫做羊群效应。
First tell you the measurement indicators you must know in the stock market to determine the timing of selling. Anyone who knows this indicator will not tell you. I will share it. I don’t know if I can change the conclusion by another word. Let me start by saying that the total number of shareholders of a listed company is how many people in the market hold the check.
When this value reaches a certain number, it means to consider selling the video. Take Longi BYD Lixun Precision as an example to share specific values ​​and judgment methods. As the video content is too dry and may disappear at any time, it is recommended to download and save it first.
Let me ask a question first, you often get 2 million likes videos on Douyin. Is it unusual for 20 million likes videos? Douyin has 700 million users, and this is rarely a video likes. The phenomenon of 20 million.
It is called the upper limit of capacity, which means that there is an upper limit on the number of people who agree with a certain direction. In fact, the votes in a stock also have a capacity limit. Shareholders agree with the business logic of a listed company and then buy the company's stock. Then its real-time number of shareholders is increased by one.
Just like Douyin, which has 700 million users, the upper limit of the like capacity of a video is 20 million 180 million. In the market of the number of shareholders, what is the upper limit of the number of holders of a long-limit ticket? No blogger on the entire network will tell you that if you do this, the upper limit is 400,000.
The principle is very important. I try to be simple. The a-share market is actually a place that is 100% in line with the herding effect in popular psychology. To put it simply, there are more sheep where you go to eat grass, and more sheep where you go to eat grass. This is called the herd effect.
It is a fact that grass will not be enough if there are too many sheep to a certain extent. Then some smart sheep will realize in advance that the grass will be insufficient, and they will set off in advance to find new grassland. One person becomes a tiger, and when the three of them evacuate in groups, there will be a flock of evacuated sheep. once.
The stock price collapsed. BYD’s number of shareholders went from 130,000 to 440,000 last year. The number of shareholders of BYD has been reduced by a few catties recently. The number of shareholders of Longi has gone from 210,000 to 39,000, a flash crash of 30%. , And the fruit chain that first reached the threshold of 400,000 shareholders. Lixun Precision.
The first collapse, the stock price is even more terrible. Four hundred thousand is the watershed for the differentiation of the herd effect. Therefore, it is enough to find a long-term selling point and attach importance to the number of shareholders of 400,000. This number is enough. So here comes the problem. How to check the number of real-time shareholders of a listed company?
The answer is that the real-time number of shareholders of a listed company cannot be found, which is the biggest bargaining chip for the dealer. He knows that you don't know what he makes is the money with poor information, and you know what he is playing. But although ordinary people cannot find it in real time, this does not prevent us from establishing such a system.
Cognitive system. If you can't find it, and everyone can't find out that you have this cognitive system, if others don't, then our head on will be even greater. And if you plan to hold a vote with good fundamentals for a long time, the number of shareholders in the previous quarter must be disclosed in the quarterly report.
For such an important indicator, it is enough to take a long-term view once every three months. So about the selling points of long-term tickets, you should be looking for them at this time.

The principle is very important. I try to be simple. The a-share market is actually a place that is 100% in line with the herding effect in popular psychology. To put it simply, there are more sheep where you go to eat grass, and more sheep where you go to eat grass. This is called the herd effect.
It is a fact that grass will not be enough if there are too many sheep to a certain extent. Then some smart sheep will realize in advance that the grass will be insufficient, and they will set off in advance to find new grassland. One person becomes a tiger, and when the three of them evacuate in groups, there will be a flock of evacuated sheep. once.
The stock price collapsed. BYD’s number of shareholders went from 130,000 to 440,000 last year. The number of shareholders of BYD has been reduced by a few catties recently. The number of shareholders of Longi has gone from 210,000 to 39,000, a flash crash of 30%. , And the fruit chain that first reached the threshold of 400,000 shareholders. Lixun Precision.
The first collapse, the stock price is even more terrible. Four hundred thousand is the watershed for the differentiation of the herd effect. Therefore, it is enough to find a long-term selling point and attach importance to the number of shareholders of 400,000. This number is enough. So here comes the problem. How to check the number of real-time shareholders of a listed company?