级别周期蕴藏的财富密码The wealth code hidden in the level cycle
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-08-03 | 416 次浏览 | 分享到:
After listening to the following content, you don't need to do research after listening to the transaction. Today, I will tell you what information the cycle represents. The quarterly line and the monthly line generally reflect the monthly line of the red tube face, the weekly line reflects the fundamentals, and the daily line reflects trading sentiment and enthusiasm.
The more the market spreads, the more clearly you can see that any wave of market development will have a gestation period, an outbreak period, and a fall period. During the gestation period, you have to be patient enough to allow it to fully accumulate strength.
During the outbreak period, you have to give enough trust to let the profits run as far as possible. During the fall-back period, you have to appear in time and wait patiently for the next opportunity. In fact, opening a position is only the beginning of a transaction, and holding a position is the stage to test traders.
In fact, it usually doesn't mean leaving, but waiting for the start of the next transaction. The above content hopes to be useful to you.

In fact, it usually doesn't mean leaving, but waiting for the start of the next transaction. The above content hopes to be useful to you.