经典股市日历效应Classic stock market calendar effect
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-07-30 | 999 次浏览 | 分享到:
炒股也要看日历,今天和大家分享股市中经典的日历效应,a 股中比较著名的日历效应有春季躁动,二月效应,春节后五穷六绝,七翻身,七上八下。
调仓换股。因此通常在五月和六月,a 股市场一般表现相对较为弱势,同时六月份也是银行期中考核时点,流动性趋紧会导致股市进一步下跌。
半年末,三者叠加,资金面趋紧,会给股市带来压力。第四,黑色周四效应法定砸盘日以近十年的上证指数为例,a 股黑色星期四并未凭空捏造。
周四跌幅无论均值中位数都呈现为负值。黑周四的原因可能是t 加一交易规则造成在t 加一规则下,短线投资者周末想钱消费。
朋友圈等营造的舆论氛围,很容导致周一开盘红第六月末季末效应,a 股月末效应是指每个月的月底几天都会下跌。
其中,对流动性影响最大的是流动性风险指标和m p a 的宏观审慎资本充足率。前者按月报送时点考核,后者按季报送。
Stocks should also look at the calendar. Today, I will share with you the classic calendar effect in the stock market. The more famous calendar effects in a-shares include spring restlessness and February effect.
Gold, nine silver and ten red, Monday, black and Thursday, the investment strategy conference curse, the World Cup curse and so on. Behind the calendar effect is the concentrated response and reincarnation of economic activities and human psychological activities.
These unwritten proverbs or laws, although not necessarily 100% accurate, can be more or less corroborated in real stock market fluctuations. First, the spring restlessness is a special calendar effect.
Refers to the stock market generally has a higher probability of phased rises from January to March. Wanda statistics show that the spring disturbance can start as early as December.
After the Spring Festival, the rising market is expected to strengthen. In the past ten years, the Shanghai Composite Index, the Small and Medium-Sized Index and the ChiNext Index have won 80% of the 20 trading days after the Spring Festival.
The average increase of 70% and 80% was 7.18%, 8.69% and 9.18% respectively. There are three major drivers behind the spring turmoil.
1. In China, there is both the December Central Economic Work Conference and the substantive policy reforms of the National Two Sessions in March that are good for overseas. It coincides with an important holiday at the end of the year, and geopolitical relations are relatively relaxed.
The annual report performance forecast was released at the end of February, and the market can form expectations of economic growth, triggering a capital game. 3. Sufficient liquidity, the central bank responds to the capital demand during the holiday season and maintains stability.
Larger liquidity investments will be made in the open market. Liquidity is the core factor that determines the rhythm and performance of the spring restlessness. The second, five, poor, six, and seven stand-up talks originated from the Hong Kong stock market.
It is similar to the famous ancient inkstone three sisters on Wall Street and May Clearance. The stock market will start to fall every May, and it will fall sharply in June, but in July.
The stock market will stabilize and rebound, and the inherent logic of turning over the poor is related to the performance report. During the performance vacuum period in May and June, brokerage agencies are busy investigating.
Relocation and share swap. Therefore, usually in May and June, the a-share market generally performs relatively weakly. At the same time, June is also the time for bank mid-term assessments. Tight liquidity will cause the stock market to fall further.
After the outlook period in the middle of the year, the stock market will gradually pick up in July. Third, the Dragon Boat Festival has become a diving festival in the stock market, and the Dragon Boat Festival is generally from the end of May to mid-June.
This time point coincides with the five poor and six unique, seven turn over. Statistics show that in the twelve years from 2008 to the present, the probability of an increase in the two days before the Dragon Boat Festival is only 16%.
The probability of an increase in the five days after the holiday is less than 20%. The logic behind the Dragon Boat Festival mantra is related to the seasonal fluctuation of funds, generally in late June, the end of the month, and the end of the second quarter.
At the end of the half year, the three are superimposed and the capital is tight, which will put pressure on the stock market. Fourth, the black Thursday effect statutory hitting day. Taking the Shanghai Stock Exchange index in the past ten years as an example, the a-share Black Thursday was not fabricated out of thin air.
Regardless of the median of the mean value of the decline on Thursday, the value was negative. The reason for the black Thursday may be that the t plus one trading rule causes short-term investors to want to spend money on weekends under the t plus one rule.
You must sell on Thursday and withdraw cash on Friday the next day, which leads to the market's cashing pressure on Thursday. The fifth red, Monday, Red Monday and Black Thursday are just the opposite.
The causes of the two are different. Black Thursday is caused by the system, but Red Monday is mainly caused by financial sentiment. Because many major domestic macro and micro policies are released over the weekend.
Superimposed on the external market, the European and American stock markets are up and down factors, and funds will be held over the weekend due to risk aversion considerations. As the saying goes, there is no position in the hands, and I don't panic in my heart. Wait until the market opens on Monday.
All good news and bad news will be released in the morning. If the news is warmer, funds will take the initiative to cover up positions and push up the index. If the news is empty, after the weekend time run-in.
It's almost digested. The Red Monday phenomenon occurs more frequently in the bull market, because people in the bull market are afraid of running out of the sky and want the stock market to open every day, plus various media organizations on weekends.
The atmosphere of public opinion created by the circle of friends and others can easily lead to the end of the quarter effect at the end of the sixth month at the opening red on Monday. The month end effect of a-shares refers to the decline at the end of each month.
If the end of the quarter is superimposed, such as June, not only at the end of the second quarter but also at the end of the half year, the probability of a fall will be even greater. The main reason is liquidity issues. There are currently two major regulatory systems for banks.
Among them, the biggest impact on liquidity is the liquidity risk index and the macro-prudential capital adequacy ratio of m pa. The former is submitted for assessment on a monthly basis, and the latter is submitted on a quarterly basis.
Time assessment, so the impact on liquidity is mainly concentrated at the end of the month and the end of the quarter. Of course, the negative feedback under the psychological effect will also strengthen this effect. Whether it is the Dragon Boat Festival.
Still lonely at the end of the month. When these curses cast a shadow in people's hearts, as soon as the media reports that liquidity is tight, the market will spontaneously sell stocks and increase market volatility.
This also shows that no matter how the ancient poetry rises or falls, it is ultimately the result of human activities. If you thoroughly study human nature, ancient poetry will not be difficult.

Time assessment, so the impact on liquidity is mainly concentrated at the end of the month and the end of the quarter. Of course, the negative feedback under the psychological effect will also strengthen this effect. Whether it is the Dragon Boat Festival.
Still lonely at the end of the month. When these curses cast a shadow in people's hearts, as soon as the media reports that liquidity is tight, the market will spontaneously sell stocks and increase market volatility.
This also shows that no matter how the ancient poetry rises or falls, it is ultimately the result of human activities. If you thoroughly study human nature, ancient poetry will not be difficult.