股典钟涨停王语音播报资讯:利好和利空真实目的Stock code clock daily limit king voice broadcast information: positive and negative real purpose
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-07-12 | 580 次浏览 | 分享到:
Originally, your holdings, your buying, and your selling were all fine, and all your trading plans were fine. But the company suddenly issued a bad news, or a good news.
Ah, it has affected your trading plan and made you excited or worried. Have you encountered such a situation? I believe many people have encountered this situation. In fact, you have to know that every message sent by the company has its purpose.
We must look at the essence through the phenomenon, not simply seeing its benefits and disadvantages. The good of the high position is bad, and the bad of the low position is good. For example, last year's volume increased from tens of dollars to more than 100 dollars.
At a price of more than 100 yuan, High Link Capital announced that it will increase its holdings of Longji's shares. So many people think that wow such good news, such well-known institutions have chosen to increase their holdings in such companies. Then such a company will definitely be good in the future.
It will definitely rise, but as a result, since the beginning of the year, the valuation of White Horse stocks has dropped by 30 to 40%. Is such good news good for us?
You need to know that when the stock price is at a high level, many institutions are profitable. If he publishes such news at this position, it will make you feel that such a company is good for you to buy. Otherwise, to whom will his chips be distributed?
In the same way, the value of a stock has returned to a low price, and there is still bad news at this price. A certain executive of the company is reducing its holdings, and a certain institution is reducing its holdings.
Could such news also affect your holdings? Obviously not. We must have our own independent consciousness and judgment during the operation. We cannot be influenced by news. You have to know that the message is human.
The person who sent the message sent such a message in response to the demand for funds. Behind such news, what do you want him to do? Only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we win every battle.
Do you want to know what is the purpose of sending this message? Remember that trading is against human nature. So when the news comes out, we have to distinguish whether the stock price is high or low, which may be good, and good may be bad.
Don't make judgments lightly, so you can.


Originally, your holdings, your buying, and your selling were all fine, and all your trading plans were fine. But the company suddenly issued a bad news, or a good news.
Ah, it has affected your trading plan and made you excited or worried. Have you encountered such a situation? I believe many people have encountered this situation. In fact, you have to know that every message sent by the company has its purpose.