股典钟涨停王资讯:波段高手的不传密秘Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: The secret secrets of the band masters
来源: | 作者:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 发布时间: 2021-06-08 | 686 次浏览 | 分享到:
找到趋势上两个高点,然后连起来画一条下降趋势线a b 在这条趋势线下找到d 点c 画出一条水平线。
这两条线的焦点d 就是行情的转折日期,也就是大家最爱抄底的位置。如果你在地点抄底,那么这波行情就能准确的把握到百分之三十四的利润。这个方法呀也同样能够解决大家不会卖的问题。
我们用每年举个例子啊,当个股处于上升趋势时,首先找到两个低点,画出一条上升趋势线a b 然后在这条趋势线下找到高点,c 画出一条水平线,这两条线的交点d 就是行情。
Yesterday I visited a stock market master, and this year's income was as high as 135%. He taught me a very simple stock trading technique. I believe that 99% of people can learn it, and the winning rate is very high. I also tried it myself, and I can indeed buy the bottom accurately. Nowadays.
So now I'm sharing it with everyone, and let's learn together. Simply put, as long as the stock price trend is exchanged for two benchmarks, the date of the stock price turning point can be predicted in advance. When the stock price is in a downward trend, let's use today's daily limit of a radio and television as an example. First of all.
Find two high points on the trend, and then connect them to draw a downward trend line a b Find point d below this trend line c Draw a horizontal line.
The focal point d of these two lines is the turning point of the market, which is where everyone loves to buy bottoms. If you buy bottoms in places, then this wave of quotations can accurately grasp 34% of the profits. This method can also solve the problem that people will not sell.
Let’s use an example every year. When a stock is in an uptrend, first find two low points, draw an uptrend line ab, then find a high point below this trend line, c draw a horizontal line, these two lines The intersection point d is the market.
The turning point is also a good selling point, have you learned it? If you learn this method early, I believe you will not step on this big thunder every year. There are many other tips like this. Pay attention to the tips I learned from my friends in the future.
Share it with everyone. If you don’t understand it, you can read it a few times. It’s really easy to use. You can find two tickets to test it yourself. If you can find an opportunity, remember to write it in the comment area.