股典钟涨停王资讯:散户炒股的误区Stock code clock daily limit king information: the misunderstanding of retail stocks
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-05-26 | 1335 次浏览 | 分享到:
飞速的发展。然而我们的a 股却在三千点来来回回的徘徊。今年由于疫情的原因,各个国家的经济都很困难。然而,无论是美股还是a 股,在疫情之后都开启了一轮新的暴涨。
从而自己的成本就变得更高。比如说我们可以做一个小测试,站在中短期的角度来看,现在的a 股到底是高点还是低点。因此在股票交易市场中有一条定律。
他们都觉得自己就是那百分之零点零一的旷世奇才一顿高抛低吸骚操作,最后让自己的成本越来越高。第四k 线只能反映股票过去的走势。
绝对无法预测未来很多人喜欢对着k 线炒股,喜欢去研究什么是m a c d,什么是k d j 指标。甚至有些人买来好几块屏幕去研究k 线。
通常这些人会在屡屡受挫之后反问,这些指标明明在过去的k 线里都很准,为什么?就是一旦实际操作起来就是赚不到钱呢?其实答案在神经科学和心理学里。
并不是这些指标在过去的k 线里很准,而是人类拥有无法克服的自立偏差和后视偏差。自立偏差的意思是,人类一定会朝着对自己有利的方向产生偏差。
比如说一个指标,你认为它是有用的,那就会不自觉的强化它的优势,而忽略它的缺陷,这就会导致在过去的k 线走势里,你只看到了这个指标有用的时候,而会忽略它失效的时候。
就会让人们总感觉k 线技术是在过去的走势里有用的。想要验证这件事儿其实非常的简单。只要你会编程,你就可以用一台冷冰冰的机器,不带任何偏差的对历史数据进行一次复盘。
无论是m a c d 还是k d g 还是r s i 指标都是没有用的。这些指标占历史数据的回测准确率上永远都是无限接近于百分之五十。
Do you know that those who make a lot of money through stock trading know which secrets that retail investors will never know? Do you know what are the biggest misconceptions of retail investors losing money in the stock market?
This video brings you the answer. The first misunderstanding is that when many retail investors step into the stock market for the first time, they will be warned not to chase the rise or fall. As everyone knows, this warning has become an important reason for many retail investors to lose money.
Chasing ups and downs is actually called right-hand trading in the terminology of professional traders. Its essence is to follow the trend, and there is nothing wrong with it. A trader who strictly implements the strategy of chasing the rise and killing the fall usually does not suffer huge losses in the stock market.
The reason that retail investors really lose money is that they are losing money, but they are unwilling to cut the meat and stop the loss. Every retail investor with a huge loss in the stock market must be unwilling to cut the meat and carry orders from the beginning of a small loss.
It slowly turned into a big loss, and finally turned into a huge loss in a bear market. If you want to avoid huge losses, you just need to cut the meat to kill you and wait for the next opportunity. However, don't chase the rise or fall in one sentence.
Like a golden rule, it is deeply buried in the cognition of every retail investor, which has become the biggest lie in this stock market. Second, you may have heard the saying that the stock market is a barometer of a country in many places.
This sentence can be ranked first, do not chase the rise and kill the fall and become the second biggest lie in the stock market. In fact, since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1973, the ups and downs of the financial market have long had little to do with the economy of a country. China's economy in the past two decades.
Rapid development. However, our A-shares were hovering back and forth at three thousand points. Due to the epidemic this year, the economies of all countries are very difficult. However, both US stocks and A-shares have started a new round of skyrocketing after the epidemic.
The essential reason here is because the current stock market has long since become a market controlled by major market makers and various interest groups. In this market, what the major market makers want to do is to harvest retail investors.
The harvesting of retail investors has nothing to do with the country’s economy. Third, many so-called stock gods will tell you that they can lower their costs by selling high and buying low. In fact, if they can say this, then this god is not a fool, that is a liar.
Selling high and buying low are simple to say. Anyone who looks back at a period of stock trends will know where the highs and lows are. However, as long as you are in an ongoing market.
It is difficult for you to know if the current point is a high point. Many retail investors think that the current is a pastry and sell their chips, but the dealer has pulled it to a higher high. And out of human greed, these people will definitely go to a higher place to take over.
As a result, their own costs have become higher. For example, we can do a small test to see whether the current A-shares are high or low from a short- to medium-term perspective. Therefore, there is a law in the stock exchange market.
When a point is considered by most retail investors to be a high point and sold, then this point must not be a high point. In the same way, when everyone considers a position to be a bottom for bargaining, then this point must not be the bottom.
The reason is simple, because in the financial market, 99.9% of retail investors are unlikely to make money. However, it is such a simple truth that most retail investors do not understand and are unwilling to understand.
They all felt that they were the one-hundred-one-hundred and one-hundred-one-percent geniuses who sold high and low, and finally made their costs higher and higher. The fourth candlestick can only reflect the past trend of stocks.
It is absolutely impossible to predict the future. Many people like to trade stocks against the k-line, and like to study what is ma c d and what is k d j index. Some people even buy several screens to study the candlesticks.
Usually these people will ask after repeated setbacks, these indicators are clearly accurate in the past candlesticks, why? Is it that once you actually operate it, you can’t make money? In fact, the answer lies in neuroscience and psychology.
It is not that these indicators are accurate in the past bar, but that human beings have insurmountable self-reliance bias and backsight bias. Self-reliance deviation means that human beings will deviate in a direction that is beneficial to themselves.
For example, if you think an indicator is useful, you will unconsciously strengthen its advantages and ignore its shortcomings. This will lead to in the past bar trend, you only see when the indicator is useful , And will ignore when it fails.
The deviation of the later generations means that human beings will often bring their own future experience into their previous judgments, which seems to give us the perspective of God. The self-supporting deviation and the rear view deviation are combined.
It will make people always feel that candlestick technology is useful in past trends. It is actually very simple to verify this. As long as you can program, you can use a cold machine to perform a review of historical data without any deviation.
You can get the answer. In fact, I wrote about one of the few financial and stock trading software on the market ten years ago. It is through the preparation of this software that I know deeply.
Neither ma c d nor k d g or r s i indicators are useful. These indicators account for the backtest accuracy of historical data and are always infinitely close to 50%.
In other words, there is no difference between using these indicators to trade stocks and toss a coin. Looking back, I am glad I understood this ten years ago. I was nineteen years old that year, and in the end I still advise those retail investors who have not received professional training to enter.
But this is actually the same as the most brilliant magic in the world. The moment you step into the magic theater, the magic has already begun, and you are already.
飞速的发展。然而我们的a 股却在三千点来来回回的徘徊。今年由于疫情的原因,各个国家的经济都很困难。然而,无论是美股还是a 股,在疫情之后都开启了一轮新的暴涨。
从而自己的成本就变得更高。比如说我们可以做一个小测试,站在中短期的角度来看,现在的a 股到底是高点还是低点。因此在股票交易市场中有一条定律。
他们都觉得自己就是那百分之零点零一的旷世奇才一顿高抛低吸骚操作,最后让自己的成本越来越高。第四k 线只能反映股票过去的走势。
绝对无法预测未来很多人喜欢对着k 线炒股,喜欢去研究什么是m a c d,什么是k d j 指标。甚至有些人买来好几块屏幕去研究k 线。
通常这些人会在屡屡受挫之后反问,这些指标明明在过去的k 线里都很准,为什么?就是一旦实际操作起来就是赚不到钱呢?其实答案在神经科学和心理学里。
并不是这些指标在过去的k 线里很准,而是人类拥有无法克服的自立偏差和后视偏差。自立偏差的意思是,人类一定会朝着对自己有利的方向产生偏差。
比如说一个指标,你认为它是有用的,那就会不自觉的强化它的优势,而忽略它的缺陷,这就会导致在过去的k 线走势里,你只看到了这个指标有用的时候,而会忽略它失效的时候。
就会让人们总感觉k 线技术是在过去的走势里有用的。想要验证这件事儿其实非常的简单。只要你会编程,你就可以用一台冷冰冰的机器,不带任何偏差的对历史数据进行一次复盘。
无论是m a c d 还是k d g 还是r s i 指标都是没有用的。这些指标占历史数据的回测准确率上永远都是无限接近于百分之五十。

Do you know that those who make a lot of money through stock trading know which secrets that retail investors will never know? Do you know what are the biggest misconceptions of retail investors losing money in the stock market?
This video brings you the answer. The first misunderstanding is that when many retail investors step into the stock market for the first time, they will be warned not to chase the rise or fall. As everyone knows, this warning has become an important reason for many retail investors to lose money.
Chasing ups and downs is actually called right-hand trading in the terminology of professional traders. Its essence is to follow the trend, and there is nothing wrong with it. A trader who strictly implements the strategy of chasing the rise and killing the fall usually does not suffer huge losses in the stock market.
The reason that retail investors really lose money is that they are losing money, but they are unwilling to cut the meat and stop the loss. Every retail investor with a huge loss in the stock market must be unwilling to cut the meat and carry orders from the beginning of a small loss.
It slowly turned into a big loss, and finally turned into a huge loss in a bear market. If you want to avoid huge losses, you just need to cut the meat to kill you and wait for the next opportunity. However, don't chase the rise or fall in one sentence.
Like a golden rule, it is deeply buried in the cognition of every retail investor, which has become the biggest lie in this stock market. Second, you may have heard the saying that the stock market is a barometer of a country in many places.
This sentence can be ranked first, do not chase the rise and kill the fall and become the second biggest lie in the stock market. In fact, since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1973, the ups and downs of the financial market have long had little to do with the economy of a country. China's economy in the past two decades.
Rapid development. However, our A-shares were hovering back and forth at three thousand points. Due to the epidemic this year, the economies of all countries are very difficult. However, both US stocks and A-shares have started a new round of skyrocketing after the epidemic.
The essential reason here is because the current stock market has long since become a market controlled by major market makers and various interest groups. In this market, what the major market makers want to do is to harvest retail investors.
The harvesting of retail investors has nothing to do with the country’s economy. Third, many so-called stock gods will tell you that they can lower their costs by selling high and buying low. In fact, if they can say this, then this god is not a fool, that is a liar.
Selling high and buying low are simple to say. Anyone who looks back at a period of stock trends will know where the highs and lows are. However, as long as you are in an ongoing market.
It is difficult for you to know if the current point is a high point. Many retail investors think that the current is a pastry and sell their chips, but the dealer has pulled it to a higher high. And out of human greed, these people will definitely go to a higher place to take over.
As a result, their own costs have become higher. For example, we can do a small test to see whether the current A-shares are high or low from a short- to medium-term perspective. Therefore, there is a law in the stock exchange market.
When a point is considered by most retail investors to be a high point and sold, then this point must not be a high point. In the same way, when everyone considers a position to be a bottom for bargaining, then this point must not be the bottom.
The reason is simple, because in the financial market, 99.9% of retail investors are unlikely to make money. However, it is such a simple truth that most retail investors do not understand and are unwilling to understand.
They all felt that they were the one-hundred-one-hundred and one-hundred-one-percent geniuses who sold high and low, and finally made their costs higher and higher. The fourth candlestick can only reflect the past trend of stocks.
It is absolutely impossible to predict the future. Many people like to trade stocks against the k-line, and like to study what is ma c d and what is k d j index. Some people even buy several screens to study the candlesticks.
Usually these people will ask after repeated setbacks, these indicators are clearly accurate in the past candlesticks, why? Is it that once you actually operate it, you can’t make money? In fact, the answer lies in neuroscience and psychology.
It is not that these indicators are accurate in the past bar, but that human beings have insurmountable self-reliance bias and backsight bias. Self-reliance deviation means that human beings will deviate in a direction that is beneficial to themselves.
For example, if you think an indicator is useful, you will unconsciously strengthen its advantages and ignore its shortcomings. This will lead to in the past bar trend, you only see when the indicator is useful , And will ignore when it fails.
The deviation of the later generations means that human beings will often bring their own future experience into their previous judgments, which seems to give us the perspective of God. The self-supporting deviation and the rear view deviation are combined.
It will make people always feel that candlestick technology is useful in past trends. It is actually very simple to verify this. As long as you can program, you can use a cold machine to perform a review of historical data without any deviation.
You can get the answer. In fact, I wrote about one of the few financial and stock trading software on the market ten years ago. It is through the preparation of this software that I know deeply.
Neither ma c d nor k d g or r s i indicators are useful. These indicators account for the backtest accuracy of historical data and are always infinitely close to 50%.
In other words, there is no difference between using these indicators to trade stocks and toss a coin. Looking back, I am glad I understood this ten years ago. I was nineteen years old that year, and in the end I still advise those retail investors who have not received professional training to enter.
But this is actually the same as the most brilliant magic in the world. The moment you step into the magic theater, the magic has already begun, and you are already.