股典钟涨停王资讯:鲜为人知的股市遛狗理论,股市高手不传法宝Stock code clock daily limit king information: the little-known theory of dog walking in the stock market, stock market masters do not pass the magic weapon
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-05-24 | 868 次浏览 | 分享到:
Have you heard that it’s not your dog walking theory? This theory is the investment master Buffett proposed by the godfather of European securities Andre Kostolani, and the famous domestic investment tycoons Zhang Lei and Qiu Guolu have all mentioned the theory of dog walking on various occasions and highly praised them.
If you can understand this theory, then you must know why the Big White Horse Company must fall at a certain time. You can also understand why these high-quality companies that have fallen will surely rise back. And you will understand why Moutai is possible.
You can't go back one thousand yuan anymore, and if you understand this theory, you can easily understand that all of the above are inevitable. The wonderful story of liking and collecting has begun.
The story of the sixth brother’s theory goes like this. There was a man who took a dog for a walk in the street. The dog ran to the front, looked back at the owner, then ran a little further, and then ran back to the owner. Ran to the back again.
Seeing that I ran far, and ran back again. In the whole process, the dog repeated this way, and in the end, both the man and the man reached the end at the same time. The man walked leisurely for a kilometer while the dog was gone.
Four kilometers.
In the field of dog walking theory, men represent the economy, the fundamentals, and the value of the company, while dogs represent the central market, which is what we often call stock prices.
This field vividly describes the basic relationship between price and fluctuations around value. A well-known person drew a picture based on the dog walking theory. This smart person assumed that the value of the company is constant, so the price is centered on the value.
The people of the next wave of animation think that every time it falls back to the previous low, can I just buy it? But he was wrong. Isn't the bottom layer here that the value of the company is constant?
It is not that only companies that do not grow can maintain value. Companies that are in a parallel position and do not grow will not be recognized by the market, and their stock prices tend to plummet. It doesn't conform to the dog walking theory at all.
You will definitely get hurt if you buy such a company. So what is the six-nation theoretical picture of a truly high-quality company? It can be like this: the intrinsic value of high-quality companies is gradually rising, and the company's prices are constantly hitting new highs amidst twists and turns.
It can also be like this. The value of high-quality cyclical companies fluctuates cyclically. Under the resonant blessing of the company's price around the value fluctuations, it can increase profitably, or it can plummet. Our daily operation is the closest to true value investment.
The picture is like this, the value fluctuates upward, and the price fluctuates upward. This picture is the essence of the dog walking theory, and it is also one of the basic cognitions that need to be reserved to become a value investment expert.

Have you heard that it’s not your dog walking theory? This theory is the investment master Buffett proposed by the godfather of European securities Andre Kostolani, and the famous domestic investment tycoons Zhang Lei and Qiu Guolu have all mentioned the theory of dog walking on various occasions and highly praised them.