股典钟涨停王资讯:主力建仓、洗盘底层逻辑、拉升原理(建议珍藏)Stock code clock daily limit king information: the main force to build positions, wash the underlying logic, pull up principle (recommended collection)
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-05-21 | 1464 次浏览 | 分享到:
庄稼一样也会做t 主力建仓的问题是复杂的,除了在二级市场拿货,庄家还可以通过参与一级半市场的大宗并增等方式吸纳筹码。
In the near future, let's talk about the new products that will be the main market maker. First of all, the first issue of the main force opening a position, in the firm operation, many fans often ask me how can I know whether the main force has opened a position.
In other words, when will the main force begin to build positions? So if you are a new investor, you can be forgiven for asking this question. If you are an old stockholder after playing stocks for a few years, you are still asking this question.
It means that you don't know the dealer at all. Strictly speaking, all the behaviors of buying chips can be called opening positions, right? But what we are talking about refers to the behavior of bookmakers to absorb a large number of low-cost chips for future speculation.
Since the dealer needs a lot of chips to sit on the bank, it is a process and a period of time for the dealer to open a position. He does not have a definite start and end time, and absorbing chips is a process.
In this process, the crops didn't just get in the chips, nor did it mean that they got in the chips. I didn't throw any of them. Instead, I kept adding and reducing positions.
Alternate cycle between concentration and dispersion. With the market's hot and cold changes, they continue to sell high and buy low to reduce their own holding costs. So here is also a problem.
The crops will also be the main force to build positions. The problem is complicated. In addition to acquiring goods in the secondary market, the dealer can also absorb chips by participating in the bulk of the primary and semi-market and increasing.
On the disk, when the stock price is at a historical low and a platform is formed, the longer this position is in, the more chips that the dealer will absorb here.
This means that some of its chip cost is probably the price near the platform. Then we can use the price of this platform when we follow the installation.
As the basis for you to open a position, and finally make a summary, the trading logic of retail investors and resistance is also different. Retail investors can buy goods with one click, but if resistance wants to take goods, they must be sold by opponents.
No one is a fool, right? No one can easily cut the meat at the bottom, so the second step of cropping, washing dishes, is the main logic of washing dishes.
The main purpose of the main shuffle is very simple. It is to expel the opponent's funds from the market and attract the funds from outside the market to exchange the floating chips.
Increase the average holding cost of the entire market. Many people have a misunderstanding, that is, the main force and the dealer are a one-shot deal, and it is not difficult to run after the draw.
The purpose of the bookmaker is to sell high and buy low to make a difference, not an ideal hammer. So on the question of dishwashing, there is no standard answer to the root cause of dishwashing.
That is, the rise in stock prices has been under selling pressure from retail investors, and there has been a divergence of long and short opinions. Because this market has just left the bottom not long ago, bear market thinking still plagues the confidence of the majority of retail investors.
In other words, if the bull market atmosphere has not formed, no one has such a strong desire to hold stocks. If it is said to be directly stretched in this way, a large number of retail investors are bound to flee.
At this time, it is impossible for the dealer to use money to prevent the stock price from falling, right? Because what your retail investors make is what the dealer loses, so when the chips are not highly concentrated, the dealer can only follow the trend.
For example, if the stock price rose from seven yuan to ten yuan, then the market's follow-up trend was reduced, and the selling pressure was greater. At this time, the dealer will lighten up a part of the bargaining chip at around ten yuan.
When the stock price drops to eight yuan, hey, I will buy it again, right? At this time, pull up the stock price and earn the difference in cycles. This shows when to wash the dishes and at what price.
It depends on the changes in the board and on the situation of the opponent's selling pressure, rather than simply on the will of the dealer. Then the dealer will also meet the wind.
Unless the dealer gets some good insider information and can work stubbornly against the trend. So ah, some stocks have pulled very high before there is a washout trend, and some stocks have not risen much before there is a washout phenomenon.
This is the reason. Generally speaking, when retail investors are following the trend, the dealer has to suck the cup, because it is impossible for the dealer to lift the sedan chair for the opponent, right? At the same time, retail investors are very active.
The crops will not be eager to wash the dishes, but will be shipped homeopathy. In this case, the bookmaker's price difference will be even greater. From this perspective, crops are also a follower of the market.
Of course, the dealer has the ability to create and exaggerate or reduce the trend, and use this trend to mislead retail investors, so as to achieve the purpose of the dealer. This is also the intention and means of the dealer. Finally, make a summary.
Washing is the reaction of the market's objective factors, and it is also the embodiment of the bookmaker's subjective will. Washing the plate is not only cleaning revenge, but more importantly, the dealers are also frequent outlets.
Sell ​​high and buy low to make the difference. Therefore, when we analyze the washing, we must combine factors such as market factors, stock price positions, cycle cycles, and expert intentions.
To make a comprehensive judgment. Of course, the profit from the price difference generated by the dishwashing is just an appetizer for the dealer, and the following stretching is the main stretching of the dinner. Let me correct a misunderstanding of everyone.
Many people think that the main force of stretching is to sweep the goods unilaterally, and then eat all the sales orders. Then the stock price rose is actually wrong. Stretching is right, inverted stretching means.
It is understandable that the sell order is placed by yourself, and then you eat the sell order to increase the stock price. At the same time, let me tell you that the rise in stock prices is not entirely a resistance behavior. I.
When we look at the execution of Wang Fatong, there is such a detail. When the stock price was the highest, Wang's transactions accounted for 60% of the market, which means that half of the real transactions came from the market.
So it means that when the resistance is stretching, it only plays the leading role, rather than purely using the capital advantage to fully control the market. Let us give an example.
The current stock price is ten dollars.
If the main force wants this stock price to rise, it can place a 1,000-lot sell order at ten yuan and then use a 1,000-lot buy order for him to eat. At this time, the stock price reached ten yuan and a dime.
Shows an upward trend, so the off-market funds see the stock price rise and change, right? Will follow suit and enter. At this time, the main force will continue to sell a thousand lots at ten yuan and two cents.
Own. First use seven hundred songs, I will buy him, right? Well, er, if the order is ten yuan and two cents, it will be changed from the original 1,000 to 300, and then the funds will follow the trend off the market.
Give him these three hundred songs again, and the stock price will smoothly reach ten yuan and two cents, and so on, the stock price is the continuous creation action in the main force and capital follow-up.
Finally, I will summarize the principle of the stock price rise. In fact, it is very simple, and it is not particularly difficult to sit in the bank. As long as you have sufficient funds and a professional team, you can also go to Zhuangzhuang to increase the stock price.
But whether you can make money is two different things. Uh, I will talk about it today.
庄稼一样也会做t 主力建仓的问题是复杂的,除了在二级市场拿货,庄家还可以通过参与一级半市场的大宗并增等方式吸纳筹码。