股典钟涨停王资讯:如何逆天改命Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Information: How to change your fate against the sky
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-05-06 | 1265 次浏览 | 分享到:
Why is it so difficult to escape poverty? Because poverty is a trap, a trap that conforms to the genetic setting, which allows you to unknowingly go to the trap, and then never get out of it. It is too comfortable and conforms to human nature. Many people are not aware of themselves. Just in the pit.
You want to save money when you are poor, but the more you save money, the less you can find a breakthrough. When you are poor, you want to be stable. The more stable you are, the more you can't seize new opportunities. You can't get out of the endless loop. You said I must get rid of, and what should I do if I want to go out?
The three words are anti-human, as long as they are comfortable, accustomed, and enjoyable, you don't want to do it. Because it can make you comfortable at this stage, what can make you accustomed must be that your comfort zone must be problematic.
But it is precisely because he conforms to your habits that you do not realize that he has a problem. Get out of poverty. Be sure to remember the following six points, especially the last one. Throw aside your face first. The poorer you are, the better you are. The more face you are afraid of being looked down upon by others, the more expensive things you will buy.
The result of this is that you will have less and less money, and face is not given by others, but given by yourself. The so-called he looks down on you, in fact you look down on yourself, and quickly throw your face aside, don't care about face, don't pay for face, look down on you when you look down on it. Only you know your goals.
What is it? How much price you can pay, what you can give up in order to realize it, it is these that really make a person fearful. Second, reduce consumption to the lowest level. Investment and consumption are contradictory. There is only one sum of money, and the more money left for consumption, the more investment is left.
The less you invest, the more you eat, drink, and the less money you have. If you invest in yourself, the less you can escape this pit of eating, drinking, and having fun. The poorer you are, the more you have to restrain your desires and reduce your daily consumption to a minimum. In order to save more money. Use it for investment and use it in the future.
Third, be willing to pay for investment in knowledge. It is not for you to buy financial management, but to invest in yourself. It is useless for you to buy any financial management. The best investment is yourself, and the best return is knowledge.
Buy books, study, and find good teachers with the money saved by eating, drinking, and having fun. You must be willing to spend money on learning. If you don’t have money to borrow, you can use your credit card if you can’t borrow. It’s a waste to buy a luxury product. If you buy a learning product, you must use your credit card.
Remember that the best knowledge must be very expensive, and you must know the reason why it is expensive, so that you can save opportunity costs and make you avoid detours. Ah, if you want to learn, find the most expensive and the most expensive you can afford.
It is precisely because you don't know anything that you need to take the least detours and find the best teacher. You can earn more money, but time is not enough. Fourth, step on the pit when you step on it. Don't be afraid of going wrong, don't be afraid of being cut with leeks.
There is one pit that one should step on in life. Don't step on the pit when you are poor, you must step on it when you are rich, and it will be bigger. Children fall a few somersaults and get up immediately. No matter what happens, the elderly may break their bones when they fall somersaults. You must suffer as early as possible. The earlier you try and make mistakes, the lower the cost. See the world clearly.
The lower the price, the poorer you are, what else can others cheat you on? Only in small places can suffer as much as possible and step on as many pits as possible, so as to quickly understand the rules and accumulate experience, so as to advance by leaps and bounds at the most important node in life. One day you will find out that year.
Can’t get past the hurdles, not even a small puddle today. Fifth, the poorer you look for uncertainty, the more you are at ease with the status quo, and the more you fear uncertain events. But what can really bring you excess returns in this world must be uncertainty. But there is a premise.
That is, you have to have sufficient judgment, and judgment needs to be learned, you need to step on the pit, you need to work hard to accumulate, you need to find the best teacher, others can't bear it, you can bear it, others don't bear it, and you don’t want others to dare. If you bet, you dare to place a bet. Only in this way will you have a chance to break through. The poorer.
The less you need to pursue stability, but the future, the poorer you are, the less time you need to exchange rewards, but the results you need to exchange for rewards. Sixth, switch the ecosystem. Human is the effort of the environment, you think it is your own preference, it is your own judgment that is wrong.
That was just imposed on you by your environment since childhood, but you didn't realize that your every move, your behavior, and your happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy will be constantly affected by the environment. So that you think this is you. You think you are a land duck, just because you were born in the mainland, you think.
You can't add leeks in it, just because you were born in the south, you think it's a glorious lintel to drive back, that's because people around you think that the most difficult thing for a fish to realize is the existence of water.
So you must have superego consciousness, stand in the perspective of God, re-examine yourself, and re-see yourself as you are. Since the environment can shape people, why can't it be shaped like what I want to shape, why can't I take the initiative to choose an environment to shape myself?
So all you have to do is switch the ecosystem and leave your initial environment as far as possible. Go to the biggest cities, to the most competitive places, to the places with the most top talents. You wanted to go before, but never dared to go.
See, imitate, and learn. You may not know what is right, but you must know that the general direction is definitely right. You may not know what was wrong in the past, but you must know that there is a high probability that many things were wrong.
This kind of consciousness is called superego consciousness, don't you shape me? Come.