股典钟涨停王技术新闻:细说北上资金Stock code clock daily limit king technology news: details about the northward capital
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-04-18 | 881 次浏览 | 分享到:
来购买我们大陆内地a 股的渠道,可能有人就不明白了啊,这些跟我们小股民赚钱他有什么关系吗?这外来的和尚他就一定好念经吗?其实我们a 股的投资机会还是有很多的。
新年啊外资进入a 股的渠道就两个。但是他们非常麻烦的。到了二零一四年十一月十七号,陆谷通正式开通之后,外资就开启了疯狂买买买的模式。但是。
Where does this respectable smart money go? You have to understand that you have all followed the wrong smart money. In fact, there is no need to watch its inflow and outflow every day. Speak thoroughly today.
The correct way to open smart funds, what is smart funds? Smart money is just a nickname, in fact, this thing is called by its big name.
He also has a package called Southbound Trading, and he also has a nickname called Southbound Capital. Southbound Stock Connect is a channel for people from the mainland to buy stocks in Wan Chai. On the other hand, Land Stock Connect means that foreigners pass through Wan Chai.
Some people may not understand the channels to buy A-shares in mainland China. Do these have anything to do with our small investors making money? Does this foreign monk really chant the scriptures? In fact, there are still many investment opportunities for our A-shares.
Do you think they only like technology stocks? China's population base is so large, and its spending power is so strong. Like a stable white horse like Maotai and soy sauce, it is fragrant from thousands of miles away.
Capital is always profit-seeking, and those capitals are far away from the Pacific Ocean. It's almost too greedy to stop dripping. As those of us with Chinese nationality, it's very simple. You can go to the counter with your ID card and open an account to trade, but do you know? There are still high thresholds for foreign investors who want to come in and invest.
In the New Year, there are only two channels for foreign capital to enter A-shares. But they are very troublesome. On November 17, 2014, after Lugutong was officially opened, foreign investors started a frantic buying and buying mode. but.
Cross-border investment. That's all very difficult. Even financial veterans like Wall Street who have played for several generations can easily suffer inconsistency in a new market. At this time, risk control has become the primary goal. So foreign capital uses the channel of smart funds.
After entering, we will not do anything else, just one goal to target those core assets to buy, buy, and buy. Of course, it was not so obvious at the beginning, but after the 2015 wave, the outstanding performance of smart funds let the market.
In 2018, the term “smart money” became popular. At that time, Land Rover Tongshigu had 25 companies with a market value of about 5 billion, and if you use these 25 companies to make a combination, the top will outperform all major indexes.
Smart funds have become the vane of value investment. Then why do I still say that most of the investors followed the smart money and followed the mistakes?
来购买我们大陆内地a 股的渠道,可能有人就不明白了啊,这些跟我们小股民赚钱他有什么关系吗?这外来的和尚他就一定好念经吗?其实我们a 股的投资机会还是有很多的。
新年啊外资进入a 股的渠道就两个。但是他们非常麻烦的。到了二零一四年十一月十七号,陆谷通正式开通之后,外资就开启了疯狂买买买的模式。但是。

Where does this respectable smart money go? You have to understand that you have all followed the wrong smart money. In fact, there is no need to watch its inflow and outflow every day. Speak thoroughly today.
The correct way to open smart funds, what is smart funds? Smart money is just a nickname, in fact, this thing is called by its big name.