股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:泡沫硅胶垫片Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Foam Silicone Gasket
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-04-05 | 690 次浏览 | 分享到:
说起来它的发展还跟乔布斯的初代iphone 有关。不知道大家还记不记得很早以前触屏手机要按下去才有反应。二零零七年,第一代iphone 手机推出它使用的电容式触控技术。
彻底改变了触控行业的发展。只要用手摸一下就有反应它是怎么做到的呢?就是用了o c a 光学胶膜全贴合技术,从而填充了面板和触摸屏之间的空气层。
从那以后,o c a 光学胶就成了消费电子的重要部分,一直保持增长。尽管消费电子近年来增速很高,但是很明显新能源汽车增长更快。
其中一家公司是国内胶膜材料的龙头,在o c 光学胶的布局领先同行。并且公司近期与特斯拉签订了采购合同,进入特斯拉的供应链。
There is a traditional track that is being activated by new energy vehicles. It is the film. Its main function is to ensure the safety of the battery pack. For example, the tape is used for the insulation protection and fixation of the middle finger of the cylindrical cell.
The silicone foam gasket is used to seal the outer frame of the power battery. This thing looks inconspicuous, but there is a lot of room for growth. Film products were originally mainly used in consumer electronics.
Speaking of its development, it has something to do with the original iPhone of Jobs. I don’t know if you still remember that touch screen phones had to be pressed long ago to respond. In 2007, the first-generation iPhone launched its capacitive touch technology.
Completely changed the development of the touch industry. Just touch it with your hand and you can tell how it did it? It uses o c a optical adhesive film full bonding technology to fill the air layer between the panel and the touch screen.
Since then, o c a optical glue has become an important part of consumer electronics and has continued to grow. Despite the high growth rate of consumer electronics in recent years, it is clear that new energy vehicles have grown faster.
To reach a penetration rate of 20% for new energy vehicles in 2025, there is still nearly five times the room for growth. As the penetration rate of new energy vehicles continues to increase, the film industry will also usher in new opportunities.
At present, the global market share of adhesive film is mainly monopolized by the United States, Japan, and South Korea. Domestic manufacturers have just made a breakthrough in this field, and then they will start domestic substitution. Therefore, the film market may have an outbreak.
One of the companies is the leader in domestic film materials, leading its peers in the layout of o c optical adhesives. And the company recently signed a purchase contract with Tesla to enter Tesla's supply chain.
The lithium battery materials business that can be recognized by the world's first-class new energy vehicle brand is expected to achieve fast.

Speaking of its development, it has something to do with the original iPhone of Jobs. I don’t know if you still remember that touch screen phones had to be pressed long ago to respond. In 2007, the first-generation iPhone launched its capacitive touch technology.
Completely changed the development of the touch industry. Just touch it with your hand and you can tell how it did it? It uses o c a optical adhesive film full bonding technology to fill the air layer between the panel and the touch screen.
Since then, o c a optical glue has become an important part of consumer electronics and has continued to grow. Despite the high growth rate of consumer electronics in recent years, it is clear that new energy vehicles have grown faster.
To reach a penetration rate of 20% for new energy vehicles in 2025, there is still nearly five times the room for growth. As the penetration rate of new energy vehicles continues to increase, the film industry will also usher in new opportunities.
At present, the global market share of adhesive film is mainly monopolized by the United States, Japan, and South Korea. Domestic manufacturers have just made a breakthrough in this field, and then they will start domestic substitution. Therefore, the film market may have an outbreak.