股典钟涨停王技术知识:试仓(炒股)的意义Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: the significance of testing positions (stocks)
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-04-03 | 771 次浏览 | 分享到:
Ah, I don’t know if you have discovered a phenomenon, especially those traders who like to do intraday trading. They will pay more attention to this phenomenon, that is, when the sailing is calm and the waves will suddenly stretch or hit the market. Happening.
After that, there will be two situations, one is the rapid return of the market, and the other is to take the opportunity to bring the market to another track. Ah, in fact, this kind of market is usually fake moves made by big funds.
It is used to test the density of pending orders between long and short sides, and to discover potential long and short forces. Because using real guns and live ammunition to test the strength of the market is very effective and intuitive. Ordinary traders cannot do it.
However, this type of big test order is not often the case where many unknown traders will go to the news and try to find some basis after encountering this kind of situation. Sometimes they will forcibly associate certain news with the current market situation, and then it is very.
It's possible to get the bait, it's really unnecessary. However, even if large funds can rely on the advantages of funds, they can test the market regardless of small costs. But they still can't forget that what ultimately makes them profitable is the complete logic of their entire trading system.
Rather than a momentary long-short strong-weak relationship. Although the strength of long and short positions can to a certain extent predict the future trend of the market, the strength of long and short positions can change at any time, and the structure of internal traders in the market will also change at any time, which is back. Quotes are not available.
Forecasting is based on the concept, so the market order is not only a superficial win or loss, but also to verify the market laws that you can understand. This is why you can't judge whether you are right or wrong by winning or losing the first order, which means that we usually do the first position of the order.
It should be very light, because it is just a scout you sent out to guide the follow-up army in the right direction. Only when the market proves you are right, you will have the qualification to continue to increase.
Otherwise, you are gambling.

Ah, I don’t know if you have discovered a phenomenon, especially those traders who like to do intraday trading. They will pay more attention to this phenomenon, that is, when the sailing is calm and the waves will suddenly stretch or hit the market. Happening.
After that, there will be two situations, one is the rapid return of the market, and the other is to take the opportunity to bring the market to another track. Ah, in fact, this kind of market is usually fake moves made by big funds.
It is used to test the density of pending orders between long and short sides, and to discover potential long and short forces. Because using real guns and live ammunition to test the strength of the market is very effective and intuitive. Ordinary traders cannot do it.
However, this type of big test order is not often the case where many unknown traders will go to the news and try to find some basis after encountering this kind of situation. Sometimes they will forcibly associate certain news with the current market situation, and then it is very.
It's possible to get the bait, it's really unnecessary. However, even if large funds can rely on the advantages of funds, they can test the market regardless of small costs. But they still can't forget that what ultimately makes them profitable is the complete logic of their entire trading system.
Rather than a momentary long-short strong-weak relationship. Although the strength of long and short positions can to a certain extent predict the future trend of the market, the strength of long and short positions can change at any time, and the structure of internal traders in the market will also change at any time, which is back. Quotes are not available.
Forecasting is based on the concept, so the market order is not only a superficial win or loss, but also to verify the market laws that you can understand. This is why you can't judge whether you are right or wrong by winning or losing the first order, which means that we usually do the first position of the order.
It should be very light, because it is just a scout you sent out to guide the follow-up army in the right direction. Only when the market proves you are right, you will have the qualification to continue to increase.
Otherwise, you are gambling.