股典钟涨停王技术知识:正确认识涨停板Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: correct understanding of daily limit
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-03-29 | 1148 次浏览 | 分享到:
注册制之前,每天涨停十个点,注册之后每天涨停二十个点,怎么样照样有人打板。如果a 股没有涨跌幅限制呢,你信不信凭咱们游资的尿性能让他一天翻十倍,所以。
堪称四两拨千斤的典范。涨停板在a 股存在了快三十年,肯定有它的道理。每次在光芒万丈时,还能吸引众多短线资金追随的背后。
What you know about the daily limit is wrong, because your understanding of the daily limit was wrong from the beginning. Today, I will disassemble it. Some people have sacrificed their lives to think about the underlying logic of the daily limit.
If a stock has risen by 10%, it has risen by 20%, it is the daily limit, right? Do you know why a stock has a daily limit? Let's first analyze who made the daily limit.
First of all, it is definitely not a retail investor, because retail investors do not have a collective consensus and cannot call on the crowd to take over. If they take over, they have no ability to change the trend of stock prices. How is this time?
You need a big brother to take the lead to give the masses confidence. Who is he? It can be a fund, an institution, or hot money. We know that the most direct factor affecting stock prices is capital.
Right, the stock price can be pulled up if you have money, but it can't be pulled up. It means that the money is not enough. The capital has taken the lead to pull a beautiful upward curve. At this time, short-term retail investors flocked to it.
When the daily limit goes out, the critical moment comes for you. The huge selling at the top requires the buying at the bottom to eat it all, and a lot of money is needed.
Often at the moment when the board is closed, the big funds are gritted their teeth and go into the pond. Only when he eats the last price of the daily limit and seals the bullets, other funds will swarm up and become comrades with him.
Otherwise, hum, that would be no trace of Shu Island. All the previous preparations made by the tournament funds will fall short. Cases of big capital failures happen every day, look at those stocks that have surpassed their daily limit and exploded.
That was the decline of the big funds. Of course, I also took the retail investors to Huangquan along the way. The question is, why are big funds so obsessed with the daily limit? This brings me back to the question I said at the beginning.
Why does the stock have a daily limit? First of all, because the system's daily limit system is for easy volatility, to put it bluntly it is to limit the maximum single-day rise of individual stocks.
Before the registration system, the daily limit was 10 points, and after registration, the daily limit was 20 points. How about someone hitting the board? If there is no limit on the ups and downs of a-shares, believe it or not that the urine performance of our hot money makes him tenfold in a day, so.
A stock rose by the sky and rose by 20% in one day, right? But don't forget, it is the system that blocked its sky before reaching the daily limit.
Stopping can stop, does not mean that the rise is over, it is just over today. Secondly, if a stock has a daily limit, it means that it has three advantages in the short-term before the daily limit.
Either the market is good, or the subject matter is good, or it is good. After Big Capital approved a stock, it began to sweep the board and called on Genggeng and Fan to help the flames.
The purpose is to bargain the next day, either to make a higher opening, or to continue the daily limit. So for really good big funds, he will not be afraid that retail investors will follow the trend and overtake him.
He will know where the point of collective consensus among retail investors is, and then set a fire on that point. Xu Xiang once ignited a full rebound in the stock market with his own strength.
Can be called a model of four or two. The daily limit has existed in A-shares for almost 30 years, and there must be some truth to it. Every time in the glory, it can attract many short-term funds to follow behind.
In the final analysis, it is because of the word scarcity, and the big funds give up their lives to grab the daily limit, to create a kind of scarcity, from which one can earn a large amount of funds, and every time they sacrifice their lives to close the board, there is no chance for retail investors to rub their cars.
And there is no retail investor to contribute to the big funds, let alone let the big funds get out of their bodies. Therefore, in a fair market, there is no one who is isolated, everyone is dependent on each other, but when the fruits of victory are faltering.
Whoever is faster than the knife, whoever can reap first.
注册制之前,每天涨停十个点,注册之后每天涨停二十个点,怎么样照样有人打板。如果a 股没有涨跌幅限制呢,你信不信凭咱们游资的尿性能让他一天翻十倍,所以。
堪称四两拨千斤的典范。涨停板在a 股存在了快三十年,肯定有它的道理。每次在光芒万丈时,还能吸引众多短线资金追随的背后。