股典钟涨停王技术知识:怎样快速买入涨停板Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: how to quickly buy the daily limit
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-03-27 | 800 次浏览 | 分享到:
那这个时候你需要做的就是及时的选择买入的动作。hello, 朋友说呀,来不及买呀,该怎么办?其实啊软件里边还有一个功能叫做闪电下单,闪电下单呢也是有对应的快捷键的,而且呢一旦敲出闪电下单,它会自。
What should I do if I can't buy the daily limit? Many friends said that Mr. Yu, I really think the daily limit method is good, but after I waited for his daily limit, I quickly hung up my buy order.
I have been unable to complete the transaction, and there are too many orders on the top. I have been in line behind for a day and can’t be queued. What should I do? In fact, you will find that these investors who really hit the daily limit are not waiting for the daily limit to place orders here.
He often hits the list in time at the price before the daily limit, so he will line up in a relatively high position. So many people have said, how do I know which stock is about to raise the half daily limit?
In fact, the stock software has a function called bullish speed. If you use Tongdaxin software to knock on Baqi Power Generation, it will directly list the fastest stocks in the five-minute growth rate.
At the top of the list are the fastest-growing stocks. At this time, you knock out and stare at him, are you running to the daily limit? If the extent and speed of his pull up are very fast, at the same time, the amount of orders on the right is constantly refreshing.
Then all you need to do at this time is to choose the action of buying in time. Hello, my friend said, it’s too late to buy, what should I do? In fact, there is another function in the software called Lightning Order. There is also a shortcut key for Lightning Order, and once the Lightning Order is hit, it will automatically.
The code of the stock you want to buy and the corresponding price are automatically output to you automatically. You can set the number of stocks I want to buy for each stock in advance, so I can’t buy many of them at the daily limit, maybe it’s still.
The method is wrong. If you have learned this method, you can try to buy it tomorrow.

The method is wrong. If you have learned this method, you can try to buy it tomorrow.