股典钟涨停王技术知识:抓涨停板诀窍Stock code clock daily limit king technical knowledge: know how to grasp the daily limit
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟涨停王 | 发布时间: 2021-03-26 | 1009 次浏览 | 分享到:
Some people rely on this method to harvest five to ten centimeters every month. In fact, this method is not difficult, you can do it after you learn it.
You can also see that after the first daily limit of some tickets, there will be continuous daily limit, or a big increase all the way. However, some votes did not change after the first daily limit.
Malaise and flame out. So how to tell which is the strongest on the daily limit? Follow the leader of those strong Hengqiang to eat meat?
You have learned the following five points, the dealer and the main force are afraid of you. The last point is the little secret that the main force is least willing to be known by others.
The first point is that we need to look at the trading volume. At the moment when the daily limit is closed, the larger the trading volume, the better. The large volume of trading on the closing plate shows that the main force has a firm intention to close the plate.
But after the board is closed, the smaller the trading volume, the better. The smaller the selling pressure, the smaller the upper selling pressure, which means that everyone is optimistic about the performance of the market outlook.
They are not willing to sell. Then there is a lot of room for imagination in the later period. The second point is that we have to look at the performance after the board is sealed, if the board is not opened again after the board is sealed.
Moreover, the share is huge, so the share of small-cap stocks is more than 20,000 hands, and the share of large-cap stocks is more than 50,000 hands. These are the prelude to a big waist. on the contrary.
If it is said that after hitting the daily limit, it is continuously opened, and the trading volume is also enlarged during the opening process, don't look at these again.
If it can't be sealed, it means that the strength of the main force is not good, or that there is a stronger main force in the high position, and it is constantly smashing the plate.
If you kill someone, you won't be able to make a big waist drum. Third, we have to look at the time period of the daily limit. The sooner the board is closed, the better. The board is closed at ten o'clock, which is better than the one at half past eleven.
Sealing the board at one o'clock in the afternoon is better than closing the board at the end. As the saying goes, attitude determines the early and late time of all closures, which directly reflects the main intentions.
Long-term. Fourth, we need to see whether this ticket is a current hot spot or a non-hot spot independent market.
If this stock is taking the linkage of hot sectors, then the possibility of linking or continuing strong performance in the future is very high. For example.
The carbon neutralization some time ago was simply a dance of demons. But if it is said that this stock is taking the independent market of non-hot sectors, then.
A flash in the pan is a high probability event. The last point depends on the turnover rate. The turnover rate should be as full as possible. The small ticket turnover rate should reach about 30%. Big ticket.
At least five percent. Why a large number of full hand changes is like giving this ticket more fresh blood, and then he can go further. If the turnover rate is not sufficient.
Then at any time in the future, it will encounter the double pressure of the profit-making and reconciliation of the morning. So have you paid for the above five points?
Pay attention to my late dry goods, we continue to withdraw.

Then at any time in the future, it will encounter the double pressure of the profit-making and reconciliation of the morning. So have you paid for the above five points?
Pay attention to my late dry goods, we continue to withdraw.