股典钟涨停王行业投资资讯:军工隐形赛道炭纤维Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King Industry Investment Information: Military Industry Stealth Track Carbon Fiber
来源:股典钟涨停王Stock Code Clock Daily Limit King | 作者:股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版 | 发布时间: 2021-03-16 | 692 次浏览 | 分享到:
这是提高战斗机性能的关键,而要实现轻量化,就要在材料上面下功夫。这就是接下来要说的军工隐形赛道,碳纤维以美f 系列战斗机为例。
从f 十二a 到f 二十二碳纤维复合材料的比重从百分之一增加到百分之二十四,四代战机f 三十五碳纤维复合材料的使用比例更是高达百分之三十六。
The military industry also has an invisible track. Earlier, we said that the current development of fighter jets focuses on advanced new fighters. For example, the J-20 advanced new fighters have a feature of lightweight.
This is the key to improving the performance of fighter jets, and to achieve lightweight, it is necessary to work hard on materials. This is the military stealth track we will talk about next. The carbon fiber takes the US f-series fighter as an example.
From f12a to f22, the proportion of carbon fiber composite materials has increased from 1% to 24%, and the proportion of carbon fiber composite materials used in the fourth-generation fighter f 35 is as high as 30%. six.
It can be seen that how important are carbon fiber composite materials for the development of new fighter jets? A large amount of carbon fiber is used in the fuselage and wing tail suppression of our F-20 fighter, and its carbon fiber composite material accounts for 27%.
From 1% of the J-8 to 27% of the J-20, this has brought a huge space for the development of military carbon fiber composite materials. And at present, more than 30% of our fighters are second-generation fighters that are no longer suitable for modern warfare.
These fighters will gradually be replaced by new fighters, and the resulting carbon fiber growth space is expected to be eight to ten times. But not everyone can make carbon fiber.
His technical threshold is very high, and the technology in the high-end carbon fiber field is mainly in the hands of a few developed countries such as the United States. So in the past few years, although our carbon fiber demand accounted for more than one-third of the world.
But the self-sufficiency rate is seriously insufficient. In 2019, 71% of carbon fiber composite materials came from imports. Now this situation is about to change. We have achieved technological breakthroughs in the field of high-end carbon fiber.
Especially in the military field, domestic materials must be used, which has prompted the development of our military carbon fiber. Carbon fiber is expected to become the golden track of military industry. One of these companies is the first domestic company to achieve technological breakthroughs in high-end carbon fiber products.
At present, the company's products have been widely used in the aerospace field. With the acceleration of the modernization of military equipment and the advancement of the localization of high-end carbon fiber materials, the company's growth space is expected.
这是提高战斗机性能的关键,而要实现轻量化,就要在材料上面下功夫。这就是接下来要说的军工隐形赛道,碳纤维以美f 系列战斗机为例。
从f 十二a 到f 二十二碳纤维复合材料的比重从百分之一增加到百分之二十四,四代战机f 三十五碳纤维复合材料的使用比例更是高达百分之三十六。

The military industry also has an invisible track. Earlier, we said that the current development of fighter jets focuses on advanced new fighters. For example, the J-20 advanced new fighters have a feature of lightweight.
This is the key to improving the performance of fighter jets, and to achieve lightweight, it is necessary to work hard on materials. This is the military stealth track we will talk about next. The carbon fiber takes the US f-series fighter as an example.