散户的钱是如何被主力赚走的How is retail money earned by the main force
来源:股典钟炒股机器人电脑版租赁Computer version rental of stock trading robot | 作者:股典钟炒股机器人系统电脑版 | 发布时间: 2021-02-15 | 1930 次浏览 | 分享到:
How is your money earned by the main force? Know yourself and the enemy, and a hundred battles will never end. We come to the market to speculate. Since we are speculating, we know what speculation is.
Hype is hype.
But are we noisy? No, who is arguing, the main force is arguing.
Because we do not have the ability to speculate prices up or down, who can speculate prices up and down? It is the main force. Why can the main force be hyped, but we can’t?
The reason is simple. We know that there is a thing called a circulating disk in the market, and every stock has its circulating disk. Then this circulation plate is the total number of chips that can be traded in this market.
There is a saying that the scarcity is the most expensive. When there are fewer and fewer tradable chips in the market, then the price is more controllable.
If the chips flow more, then its price controllability is relatively small. This is what we find in the market sometimes the price will rise quickly.
But sometimes, the price is always holding, so what caused this? Even when trading is not active in this market, prices are usually fluctuating.
Then when this transaction is active, the price will fluctuate. So how can price fluctuations be formed? Is trading active? That is, the fewer chips in the market.
The more people who buy and the fewer people who sell, there will be a price fluctuation at this time. People may not understand it this way, and some new friends may not understand it. Let me give you an example.
Now you are a businessman and you want to do the egg business. How do you want to monopolize the eggs in your city?
The first step is to collect all the eggs from the chicken farms around your city. After the collection, you will not supply them.
Are there fewer and fewer eggs in the market in your warehouse? At this time, is the demand in the market growing, and many people want to buy eggs, do they want to eat them? He wants to buy. At this time, you just don’t sell it.
Then the price of eggs is affected by the relationship between supply and demand. Is the price of eggs more and more expensive? At this time.
You didn't sell eggs for five yuan, and the market has fewer and fewer eggs. Then you can sell them for six dollars, seven dollars, and eight dollars. Even if you say I want to sell eggs for 100 yuan a catty, how to do it?
Then the natural transaction in this market definitely cannot form this price, what should I do? You need to create themes. Just talk.
Find a reason, find a subject, and say what kind of benefits the ability to eat eggs will bring to our lives, or what positive impact it has on our health.
At this time, some bosses felt that eating eggs was so good, but now the eggs have begun to have their value. Then I want to sell it for one hundred yuan a jin, you see if you can sell it.
Okay, because as long as someone is willing to spend 100 yuan to buy your egg, then your egg price can be set at 100 yuan, because there is a deal? Right? If you sell it for 100 yuan, someone buys it for 100 yuan, and the price of the egg will be sold at 100.
So as long as there is a transaction, everyone will slowly recognize the price. That's why the price is up. So how do we operate our market? The same is true.
In the first step, the main force must buy as much of the chips in the circulation as possible into their own hands. The more chips he buys on this circulation plate, the fewer chips he has in circulation.
At this time, the price is more manipulable. As long as there is still demand, the price will inevitably rise.
So we know what the first step of the main force is to do, which is called opening a position. What is the purpose of opening a position? It is to put most of the chips in the circulation plate, he tried his best to hold himself here.
And usually the price is very low at this time, because the price will not rise very high before the hype. He will buy a large amount of low-cost chips at a very low price. This process is called opening a position.
Then think about it, if the price is very low, then the investor is willing to sell this bargaining chip to him at a low price, it must be unwilling. But how can he be at a very low price.
Buy your chips, there is only one way to scare you.
Out all kinds of news.
Use the negative things in various markets to stimulate you, so that you dare not hold this stock anymore, and then let you reluctantly sell it to him.
We often see it in the market, right? Why do many of our friends say that I have been carrying it for a long time, I have been carrying it for half a year, I have been carrying it for a year, I really dare not carry it here, right? The market felt like it was going to collapse, so I didn't dare to carry it. I sold one of my own.
The price has risen. What is the reason? Are you really unable to hold it? No, it is affected by external factors in the market. You if you.
If you don't hear anything outside the window and don't know anything, I believe you will hold it. It is precisely because you go everywhere to inquire about the news, to read the news everywhere, and to read so many things, once they are used by the main force, you happen to sell it.
If you don’t post anything, I believe you won’t sell it either.
Is it true that after selling to the main force, after the main force has bought a large number of chips at low prices, then there are fewer chips in the market? What should I do at this time?
It's impossible for the main force to hold so many chips to keep it. What does he need to do? He needs to pull the price from low to high to sell it, and then get the difference from it. The main force is also doing this.
What then? Pull up.
Right, he wants to raise the price. Then in the process of pulling up, because there are very few chips outside, as long as he wants to buy and sell.
It's very rare, right? Because if you want to sell it, you have already sold it. Then if the price is raised again, fewer and fewer people will sell, because all the people who sell the chips will be.
He will take them all back. Then it becomes a unilateral buyer's market at this time. So if it becomes a unilateral buyer's market, that price will continue to rise, so wait until the price reaches a certain level.
The main force wants to sell you a large amount of chips that they bought at a low price. How can they sell it to you? We investors are not stupid, nor stupid, right?
It has risen from ten dollars to fifty dollars, and then you also know that the main force is the cost of ten dollars, now fifty dollars are sold to you, will you take it? You must be afraid to pick it up.
Then why can he let you pick it up?
Have you thought about this problem? Turn on the TV to see the stock reviews.
You will know why, because you are listening to the company's good performance.
Products have hot spots. Uh, this company has hot spots, and what new products and concepts it has developed? It is this kind of thing that makes you feel that this stock is so good, if you hold it in the future.
There is a higher profit margin and a greater profit margin. Then I can't, then I have to buy some, or else what should I do if I miss this opportunity? Then, there are some critics.
Ah, let me tell you that the stock has good performance and strong potential. In addition, there is a concept that the future medium and long-term development potential is very huge. It is recommended that investors hold the medium and long-term.
Do you just hold it, right? Then, what would he do?
Everyone is so eager to buy, what is the main force? Then don’t hurry up and sell it to you, right? That is not the main force to sell you quickly. Then everyone will find out how will he sell during the selling process?
Many friends said that if you receive a big Yinxian, will the main force sell it? I will tell you when the main force really distributes it, he will definitely not sell it like that. If you take a big Yinxian and scare you away early, you will not dare to buy it.
He will definitely use a very gentle way to swing sideways at high positions. We all know that our retail accounts do transactions.
What is one reason you bought the stock and the reason you sold the stock? After most of our investor friends buy stocks, you lose money and do not sell.
If you don’t make money, you will sell if you make money.
Think about it, is this our transaction? If you buy a stock now for fifty yuan, you bought a stock, and the stock has been fluctuating between fifty-one and forty-nine, would you sell it?
You must not sell, why? Don’t you sell if you don’t make money? You will not sell if you do not reach your desired goal.
Isn't it possible under any circumstances that you will sell the stock you bought at fifty, suddenly fifty-five or sixty, and you ran away, right? There is also a situation where there is no reason why you do not sell.
Fifty forty-nine, forty-eight, forty-nine, and then you will not sell because of the decline. Then the main force is to take advantage of the mentality of our investors.
Then he firmly controlled the price, for example, from ten yuan to fifty yuan, he would firmly control the price to fluctuate around fifty yuan. Then a shock is three months to half a year.
Then, you gradually get used to this process. You think this stock is very safe. You can't resist the fall. If you can't fall down, you can't fall down. You are not willing to sell. Then add the mountains outside to you.
Ah, the news in the external market is being deleted for you, saying that the stock reform has good performance and full potential. It is fanning the wind every day, people are here sideways, and the wind is fanning outside. You will firmly hold this stock.
Isn’t that the case? Then, whether it’s three months, half a year, or even a longer period of time, it’s better to sell it to you bit by bit. After many of our friends got this stock, they were still there every day.
Very happy, very happy. Waiting for the next wave of market to explode, in fact, you don't know that the main force has slowly turned all the chips into your hands. Then one day when the main chips are all transferred to this day in retail investors.
What are the consequences? One can imagine. The next step is.
Fei Liu went down three thousand feet, and it didn't matter how much I fell.

How is your money earned by the main force? Know yourself and the enemy, and a hundred battles will never end. We come to the market to speculate. Since we are speculating, we know what speculation is.
Hype is hype.
But are we noisy? No, who is arguing, the main force is arguing.
Because we do not have the ability to speculate prices up or down, who can speculate prices up and down? It is the main force. Why can the main force be hyped, but we can’t?
The reason is simple. We know that there is a thing called a circulating disk in the market, and every stock has its circulating disk. Then this circulation plate is the total number of chips that can be traded in this market.
There is a saying that the scarcity is the most expensive. When there are fewer and fewer tradable chips in the market, then the price is more controllable.
If the chips flow more, then its price controllability is relatively small. This is what we find in the market sometimes the price will rise quickly.
But sometimes, the price is always holding, so what caused this? Even when trading is not active in this market, prices are usually fluctuating.